Sanctity of Life, Romans 6:20-23

Romans 6:20-23 is about the consequence of sin and the hope of the gospel. It is a precious passage that I have often preached in no small part because of the great gospel promise of verse 23. Generally, when preaching this passage, the majority of attention is given to the hope of salvation, which is the main idea of the passage. However, with this sermon, I want to give attention to the warning concerning sin.

All sin leads to death, both physical and spiritual.

In the confusion and brokenness of this world, the consequence of death is sometimes ignored but more often celebrated and even encouraged. Abortion brings death but is celebrated as a way to preserve sexual freedom, ensure individual autonomy, and provide gender equality. Abortion, as with all sin, is presented by the world as good and desirable, but it produces the rotten fruit of death.

The sanctity of human life is not first a political issue; it is, first, a theological issue. Christians must be clear concerning the cost and destruction of sin. Only then will you appreciate the great and glorious hope of the gospel.

This passage exposes sin’s necrotic nature and the remedy of the gospel.

Sanctity of life, Romans 6:20-23 - Pulpit notes and outline handouts

A sermon for Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. Pastor Ben Smith’s sermon pulpit notes for preaching Romans 6:20-23. The PDF file contains sermon notes, illustrations, and sermon outline handouts.

Ben Smith

Originally from Columbus, GA, pastor Ben Smith has served churches in Texas, South Carolina, and Georgia. Ben and his wife Dana make their home in Waycross, GA, where Ben has pastored Central Baptist Church since 2012.

Pastor Ben preaches each Sunday at Central Baptist. An audio podcast of his sermons is published weekly. Pastor Ben also posts weekly to his blog, Ponderings.

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