All for the Kingdom
Sermon Podcast
Sanctity of Life, Romans 6:20-23
Romans 6:20-23 is about the consequence of sin and the hope of the gospel. It is a precious passage that I have often preached in no small part because of the great gospel promise of verse 23. Generally, when preaching this passage, the majority of attention is given to the hope of salvation, which is the main idea of the passage. However, with this sermon, I want to give attention to the warning concerning sin.
All sin leads to death, both physical and spiritual.
In the confusion and brokenness of this world, the consequence of death is sometimes ignored but more often celebrated and even encouraged. Abortion brings death but is celebrated as a way to preserve sexual freedom, ensure individual autonomy, and provide gender equality. Abortion, as with all sin, is presented by the world as good and desirable, but it produces the rotten fruit of death.
The sanctity of human life is not first a political issue; it is, first, a theological issue. Christians must be clear concerning the cost and destruction of sin. Only then will you appreciate the great and glorious hope of the gospel.
This passage exposes sin’s necrotic nature and the remedy of the gospel.
Sanctity of Life, Psalm 139:13-16
The sanctity of life for Christians is not a political issue. The sanctity of life for Christians is a convictional issue that before the Lord, every human life is made by God and holy before God.
Psalm 139 is a psalm of David and a powerful word on the omnipresence of God. Verses 13-16 come in response to David marveling that God knows everything about him. Building on this, David declares that every human life is the glorious masterpiece of God, known by God, and the intentional work of God.
Every Life Matters: the sanctity of life, Genesis 9:5-6
This year has been a momentous year for the defense of life in our country. On January 22, 1972, the United State Supreme Court invented a right to abortion not articulated in the constitution in the Roe v. Wade case. It was assumed that with this decision, the question of abortion and its legitimacy would be settled. Instead, it awakened the church and those who recognized the ruling's illegitimacy, injustice, and depravity. In June of this past year, the United States Supreme Court overturned this decision in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization.
We must be very clear that the issue of abortion is not a right or left issue. In fact, it is not truly a political issue. The issue of honoring and protecting life is a pre-political issue. Something that is pre-political existed before government and politics. God gives life, and no man nor government has the right to take life away.
In this passage, God declares the uniqueness and sacredness of life because man is an image bearer of God.
Every life sacred, Job 31:13-15
The issue of the sanctity of life is throughout scripture. Job is the oldest book in the Bible. In this passage, Job makes a defense of himself in response to his friends who have accused him of sin. As a part of his defense, he testifies to the most basic of truths – the sanctity of life.
Expose Darkness with the Light of Truth, Ephesians 5:11
The cancer that is consuming the church today is a lack of concern for the danger of sin and the consequences sin brings. The cancer grows in our homes and in our personal lives as we grow comfortable with things, we know are wicked and contrary to the will of God, but we justify their presence by saying that they “are not that bad.” Or we find false comfort in the knowledge that others tolerate the same in their homes.
This cancer grows in our nation as well – as our nation grows ever more comfortable with open rebellion against the goodness of God’s created order and God’s authority to declare what is right and wrong. The great evil of our day is abortion. From this flows related evils of euthanasia, genocide, and human trafficking. If any life is not sacred, then no life is sacred.