All for the Kingdom
Sermon Podcast
Hope in Foolish World, Psalm 14
The only hope of salvation is in Jesus Christ.
There is no hope in the wisdom of man or the works of man. However, since Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden, the common struggle of man is to attempt to attain righteousness apart from God.
The question that this psalm is wrestling with is the relationship between God and man. How are you to understand the relationship of man with God? Psalm 14 teaches three fundamental truths that define man's relationship with God and testify to the hope of salvation found only in Christ Jesus.
The Will of God, Hebrews 10
The desire and will of God is for you to be in right relationship with Him and be in His presence. The testimony of this is that God has provided the way for the defiled to be made holy and those separated from Him by sin to draw near in confidence through the offering of His son, Jesus Christ.
The offering of Jesus reveals God's will, which calls for a response of faith. This passage teaches three responses to the offering of Jesus that God expects of you.
Perfect Son, Hebrews 7
Some tasks are restricted from you because of a lack of ability. Other tasks are restricted from you because of a lack of qualification or authority. The pride of sin produces the lie that your own efforts can achieve righteousness. The arrogance of sin can convince you that you do not need Jesus. However, the testimony of scripture is that you can never achieve righteousness before God through your own efforts. Salvation comes only through the work of God. Jesus is the perfect high priest who, through His life, death, and resurrection provides forgiveness of sin and access to God to all who believe in faith.
Hebrews 7 teaches three ways that Jesus, as the perfect son of God, provides for salvation.
Faithful Son, Hebrews 3:1-4:3
It is possible to be near the gospel and miss salvation. It is possible to have some knowledge of the gospel and not believe it. It is possible to be close to salivation and not be saved. Proximity does not equal possession.
Beyond making a comparison between Moses and Jesus, Hebrews 3 warns that it is not enough to simply know who Jesus is. Like the people that Moses led, there will be many who miss out on receiving the salvation of Jesus. Those whom Moses led out of Egypt were witnesses to God's great and glorious power but did not have faith and thus did not receive the blessing of the promised land. Likewise, many today have heard the gospel but have not believed in faith and thus have not received the promise of salvation.
Good News, Titus 3:4-7
The whole testimony of scripture is how God provided salvation for sinful man. From the first sin and the first pronouncement of the curse of sin in Genesis 3, God has been working to bring salvation for man’s sin (Genesis 3:15). God revealed His holiness and man’s need for the atonement of sin through the shedding of blood through the Law. Speaking through the prophets and writings, God declared the promise of a coming Messiah who would bring salvation. Through the Old Testament histories, God revealed how He was providentially working to prepare the way for the Messiah. Then, with the advent of Jesus, the fullness of God’s redemptive plan was made known.
The testimony of scripture is a testimony to the work of God to bring salvation to man. Titus 3:4-7 teaches three fundamentals of the true and gospel.
The Hope of Eternal Life, Titus 1:1-4
To be a faithful servant of God, you must know who you are, who God is, what he has done, and the people you are called to minister among.
Paul and Titus knew each other well, but though Paul addressed his letter to Titus, he intended his words to be instructive for the churches. Thus, in these opening words of greeting, Paul is doing more than greeting his friend Titus; he also provides introductory words to the Christians of Crete about his authority and ministry.
How would you define the gospel work of the church? How would you define what God has called you to? Paul defines his work by declaring who he is, what God has done, and who he is addressing.
Guard the Truth, 1 Timothy 6:20-21
In these final two verses, Paul gives two commands and a closing blessing of grace. Guard the truth entrusted to you and turn away from anything and everything that distracts you from faithful obedience.
Be Rich in Good Works, 1 Timothy 6:17-19
What does it mean to be rich?
The meaning of being rich is a complicated question. Though you may be rich compared to others, you may struggle to pay your bills. You may have a high income but great debt.
1 Timothy 6:2-10 instructs Christians who are poor how to live and relate to wealth. In verses 17-19, the Bible instructs wealthy Christians how to use their wealth for God's glory. In this passage, the rich are those whose wealth is such that they are not concerned with their basic needs and can afford comforts and pleasure beyond basic needs.
Christians with earthly riches are warned not to put any hope in their riches but to hope in God alone, trust in God's provisions, and use what they have for God's glory.
Fight the Good Fight, 1 Timothy 6:11-16
In the concluding words of 1 Timothy, Paul addresses Timothy as a man of God. From this passage, the Bible commands Christians to be set apart for God and called to faithful obedience because God is worthy of all the glory and honor.
Great Gain of Godliness, 1 Timothy 6:2-10
Does the pursuit of worldly gain drive you, or are you driven by growing in godliness? This passage does not teach that Christians cannot have wealth or do well in this world. The issue at the heart of this passage is what drives your heart, what motivates your life, and what you see as the greatest value. Those captured and controlled by worldly things will be driven and motivated by worldly gain, but those who are servants of Christ will be driven and motivated by godly gain.
Confess and Believe, Romans 10:9-13
You might expect the cost of receiving the gift of atonement provided by the eternal Son of God to be high and costly. You might expect the requirements for exchanging your sin for the righteousness of Christ and being made heirs with Christ, adopted as children of God, to be complicated and difficult to achieve. However, in simple language, the Bible declares that to be saved from your sin requires the confession of Jesus as Lord and the belief that God raised him from the dead.
Jesus Christ Ransom for All, 1 Timothy 2:3-7
When lives are in danger, the first impulse is to think about how they can be rescued. The most horrifying situations are when there is no hope of saving those in danger. The gospel's good news is that God desires to rescue you and has provided a way for your salvation in Jesus.
Chapter two begins Paul's instructions to Timothy on the proper order of the church. Before addressing these issues, he lays the foundational truths of the church's call to prayer and the forgiveness of sin only in Jesus. In this sermon, I show the good gift of redemption, the desire of God to save, and man's only hope is in Jesus.
Shipwrecked, 1 Timothy 1:18-20
When you travel by ship, there is a moment when you realize that your safety is totally dependent on the integrity of the ship. When the ship leaves the dock, it does so slowly enough that the safety of the land seems to linger and remain within reach. However, as the ship sails further to sea, your sight of land grows smaller and more distant. At the distance of 2.9 miles, any sight of land finally slips beyond your site as the curvature of the earth limits your vision. When any sight of land is lost, and all you can see is water in every direction, is the moment that you realize that your life rests entirely in the ship's ability to reach the next port. As the sun sets and darkness cloaks all but what the ship's lights can illuminate, the feeling of dependency on the ship for safety is made all the more profound.
Paul knew something about shipwrecks. He had experienced near-death experiences in multiple shipwrecks. With these memories in mind, he writes to Timothy a charge to fight the good fight for the gospel and a warning of the grave consequences that come from rejecting the gospel.
Jesus Saves, 1 Timothy 1:12-17
For all the advancements in modern media, the most effective marketing approach has remained unchanged since the creation of time. The most effective and powerful persuasive tactic is personal testimony. It is helpful to hear about all the features of a product and how it could improve your life. However, what will draw your attention and acceptance toward purchasing something is when someone you know says, I use it; it helped me; you should use it too.
In this passage, Paul declares that the primary purpose of Jesus coming in the flesh to earth was to save sinners. In making this point, he shares his personal testimony of salvation, his sin before Christ, and the grace that he has now received. Through his testimony, we see the common depravity all experience, the hope of salvation through Jesus, and the testimony and worship that follows.
Genuine Faith, 2 Corinthians 13:5-10
In these closing words of his letter, Paul gives his final words to the church, hoping that the next time they will hear from him will be in person. In the first four verses, Paul encouraged the wayward brothers and sisters to repent of their sin and promised to deal sternly with those who would not. Secondly, in verses 5-10, he pleads with the brothers and sisters to give serious attention to the nature of their relationship with Jesus and the genuineness of their salvation so that they might be sure of their salvation.
Now is the Day, 2 Corinthians 6:1-13
The image of a train leaving the station has long been a helpful image for a present opportunity. When the train arrives, you have the opportunity to get on. However, this opportunity will not last. The train will leave, and when it does, you will lose the opportunity for travel.
How many will miss the opportunity to get on board because they are too tied to the luggage on the loading dock? Weighed down by concerns and worldly affection other than the departing train, they will miss the opportunity. Likewise, how many will miss the opportunity of salvation? Clinging tight to the affections and concerns of this world, many will miss the gift of salvation.
I cannot promise tomorrow, but I can declare today that now is the day of salvation.
Let loose of the things of this world and take hold of Jesus.
Jesus is Greater, 2 Corinthians 3
In 2 Corinthians 3, Paul references the events recorded in Exodus 19-34. He compares the glory of the law with the glory of the new covenant and salvation in Jesus Christ.
You may ask, "what relevance does the law of Moses have today?" You may wonder what connection the events of the Israelites near Mt. Sinai have with you today. The relevance and connection are that all who are outside of the redemption of Jesus Christ still rely on the law of Moses. Under the law, you are attempting to be a good person through your own effort.
Even if you claim to be an atheist or, in some other way, totally disinterested in Christianity, you have some standard of goodness. You have some version of a moral code. You have a paradigm for what makes a person good or bad. These standards and codes are forms of law.
Acceptance by God requires perfection under the law or redemption by the perfect blood of Jesus.
In comparison to the law of Moses, Paul makes clear that the gospel of Jesus Christ and the new covenant purchased by His blood is better than, greater than, and more glorious than anything the old covenant could bring, glorious as it may have been.
From 2 Corinthians 3, we see three ways the new covenant is better than, greater than, and more glorious than the old covenant of the law:
Jesus provides true evidence of salvation.
Jesus is more glorious than the law.
Jesus makes you holy before the Father.
He is Faithful, 1 Corinthians 1:1-9
When Paul wrote his first letter to the Corinthian church, he knew he had to confront some serious issues of sin. There was trouble in the church. Some members were guilty of sexual sin, others of drunkenness, and others were attempting to justify their worldly living with a perverted understanding of the grace of God. The city of Corinth was well known as a place of debauchery, and the church struggled to live holy in such a perverse context.
Paul would be unflinching in his confrontation of sin in the church. However, before he does, he begins with an encouraging word to remind the church who they are and the blessings they have received.
We, too, live in a cultural context of unrestrained debauchery. Likewise, the church today often struggles with living holy. Thus, it is good to hear again that those who have been saved by the blood of Jesus are saints of God, under the grace of God, and sustained by the faithfulness of God.
Dead to sin alive in Christ, Romans 6:1-11
To be transformed is to be irrevocably changed. Once a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, it can no longer be a caterpillar again. Butterflies never return to being caterpillars, nor do those saved by the cross of Jesus go back to a life ruled by sin.
The end of Romans 5 says that where sin increases, so does grace. To the sinful mind, this sounds like an invitation to sin more to get more grace. In Romans 6, Paul responds by teaching what it means to be transformed. Yes, more sin equals more grace, but the response by one transformed by the gospel is not to desire more sin but more righteousness.
Garments of Praise, Isaiah 61:1-3
The Gospel of Luke records in the fourth chapter that just after beginning His ministry, Jesus returned to His hometown of Nazareth. He went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, which was His custom. That day, by the sovereign providence of God, He was given the scroll of the prophet Isaiah to read to the congregation. He stood, took the scroll, unrolled it to where chapter 61 was written, and read the first verse and a portion of verse 2.
When He finished reading, He rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. But Luke tells us that every eye in the building was still fixed on Jesus. He then spoke nine words that would forever change how we understand this verse. He said, "Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing."
Isaiah 61 comes in the context of God proclaiming His righteous judgment to His rebellious people. But God's judgment is not focused on Israel's destruction but on her redemption and restoration. The prophet proclaims a hopeful word for us today as well. This is an encouraging word to help us persevere and a promise of the glory that is to come. Jesus declares that the prophet's word has been fulfilled, and this is good news that comforts us presently and gives hope for tomorrow.