All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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Current series: 2 Timothy

Salvation, 1 Timothy, Wealth Ben Smith Salvation, 1 Timothy, Wealth Ben Smith

Be Rich in Good Works, 1 Timothy 6:17-19

What does it mean to be rich?

The meaning of being rich is a complicated question. Though you may be rich compared to others, you may struggle to pay your bills. You may have a high income but great debt.

1 Timothy 6:2-10 instructs Christians who are poor how to live and relate to wealth. In verses 17-19, the Bible instructs wealthy Christians how to use their wealth for God's glory. In this passage, the rich are those whose wealth is such that they are not concerned with their basic needs and can afford comforts and pleasure beyond basic needs.

Christians with earthly riches are warned not to put any hope in their riches but to hope in God alone, trust in God's provisions, and use what they have for God's glory.

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Salvation Ben Smith Salvation Ben Smith

Great Gain of Godliness, 1 Timothy 6:2-10

Does the pursuit of worldly gain drive you, or are you driven by growing in godliness? This passage does not teach that Christians cannot have wealth or do well in this world. The issue at the heart of this passage is what drives your heart, what motivates your life, and what you see as the greatest value. Those captured and controlled by worldly things will be driven and motivated by worldly gain, but those who are servants of Christ will be driven and motivated by godly gain.

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Salvation Ben Smith Salvation Ben Smith

Confess and Believe, Romans 10:9-13

You might expect the cost of receiving the gift of atonement provided by the eternal Son of God to be high and costly. You might expect the requirements for exchanging your sin for the righteousness of Christ and being made heirs with Christ, adopted as children of God, to be complicated and difficult to achieve. However, in simple language, the Bible declares that to be saved from your sin requires the confession of Jesus as Lord and the belief that God raised him from the dead.

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Leadership, Overseer Ben Smith Leadership, Overseer Ben Smith

Trained for Godliness, 1 Timothy 4:6-16

The instructions of 1 Timothy 4 are addressed to Timothy and his church pastoral leadership. At first reading, it may seem that verses 6-16 relate only to overseers' leadership, preaching, and teaching ministry of the church. Though these instructions are addressed to the overseer, they relate to the whole church in understanding proper biblical training, personal holiness, and the church's public worship. These instructions to the overseer help the church understand what should be honored and celebrated in the leadership of the overseer, the importance of personal holiness, and what should be honored in their public assemblies.

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Truth Ben Smith Truth Ben Smith

Beware of Demonic Lies, 1 Timothy 4:1-5

God inspired Paul to warn the church of demonic spirits that are working to deceive and lead some away from the faith. This danger remains a clear and present danger to the church today. Paul identifies the threat and then instructs the church to recognize and defeat these lies.

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Church Ben Smith Church Ben Smith

The Church: Pillar and Buttress of Truth, 1 Timothy 3:14-16

The sad reality of the present-day church culture is the lost understanding of the church's witness to God's truth and the hope of the gospel. Every faithful church and every church member should be living witness in their community to the truth of God and the hope of the gospel. This is the heart behind Paul's instructions in 1 Timothy 3:14-16. This passage teaches who has authority over the church, its purpose, and its message.

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Salvation Ben Smith Salvation Ben Smith

Jesus Saves, 1 Timothy 1:12-17

For all the advancements in modern media, the most effective marketing approach has remained unchanged since the creation of time. The most effective and powerful persuasive tactic is personal testimony. It is helpful to hear about all the features of a product and how it could improve your life. However, what will draw your attention and acceptance toward purchasing something is when someone you know says, I use it; it helped me; you should use it too.

In this passage, Paul declares that the primary purpose of Jesus coming in the flesh to earth was to save sinners. In making this point, he shares his personal testimony of salvation, his sin before Christ, and the grace that he has now received. Through his testimony, we see the common depravity all experience, the hope of salvation through Jesus, and the testimony and worship that follows.

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Evangelism, False teachers Ben Smith Evangelism, False teachers Ben Smith

Do Not Be Silent, 2 Corinthians 11:7-15

No matter how far a child has wandered or how great a child has rebelled, godly parents do not give up hope that God will draw them back. No matter how long it has been, godly parents continue to call on the Lord to rescue their child and take every opportunity to speak the truth to their child.

This is the heartbreaking intensity with which Paul writes this passage. He loved the church at Corinth. He considered them his children in the faith. And he is brokenhearted that they may be led astray by wicked men. And so, he contends for them by preaching the truth in love.

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Jesus, Resurrection Ben Smith Jesus, Resurrection Ben Smith

God Raised Him, Acts 2:22-24

It is good and helpful for you to think about and work out issues of theology and doctrine. Those under the Lordship of Jesus rightly desire to be as obedient to His word and faithful to His commands as possible. Therefore, those who are disciples of Jesus spend their lives working out their faith and striving to understand God's word better. And yet the saving gospel is not complicated or hard to understand. Sometimes faith to believe is difficult, but understanding it is not. This is the beauty of God's grace; salvation is found through faith, by grace simple enough for a child to understand, powerful enough to save the most wicked sinner.

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Gospel Ben Smith Gospel Ben Smith

Gospel Light, 2 Corinthians 4:1-6

Paul knew something about the blindness of sin and the brilliance of the gospel light. He was given the name of Saul at birth, and from his earliest years, he was devoted to keeping the law.

The first introduction we have to Saul in scripture comes in Acts 7 at the stoning of Stephen. As Stephen was stoned to death, Saul watched over the coats of the men who threw the stones. (Acts 7:58) The next chapter describes how Saul became an enthusiastic persecutor of the early Christians (Acts 8:3).

As Saul grew in notoriety for his persecution, he asked the high priest for the authority to arrest Christians and bring them to Jerusalem. After receiving this authority, he made his way to Damascus, but before he arrived, he was confronted by a light from heaven.

Saul’s physical blindness would result in spiritual sight. (Acts 9) God would send a Christian named Ananias to Saul to pray for him. Once God removed the veil of blindness from Saul, God changed his name to Paul.

Paul knew what it was to be blinded to the truth. Paul knew what it was to be blinded to who Jesus is. And Paul knew what it was to see the gospel light. In Corinthians 4, he teaches on the transformation of the gospel, the opposing work of Satan, and the truth that only God can shine the light of knowledge that reveals His glory through Jesus.

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Advent Ben Smith Advent Ben Smith

The One Who Sets Captives Free, John 8:31-38

In the days of Jesus’ birth, Israel was not a free nation. They were unhappily under the control and rule of Rome. But God was doing more than bringing political relief. Jesus the Messiah brought freedom from the enslavement of sin.

Let us rejoice that Jesus, the Messiah, has come to set us free from the bondage of sin so that we might be transformed from slaves to sons and have the assurance of hope.

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Advent Ben Smith Advent Ben Smith

The King of kings, John 1:43-51

Scripture declares Jesus as the King of kings. But what does this title mean?

In the Old Testament, the title of king of kings is used three times to reference an earthly king with no equal.

In the New Testament, the first reference to Jesus as the King of kings is in 1 Timothy 6:15, where Paul encourages the church to remain faithful until Jesus returns. But the most often quoted biblical references to Jesus as the King of kings comes from John's revelation, where Jesus in His second coming is described as the King of kings.

In this passage from John, we have the first reference in his gospel account, referencing Jesus as king. I want you to see from this passage that you must submit to the King and invite others to follow the true king. And when you come to know Jesus as the true king, it is only the beginning of greater glories to be revealed and known.

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Advent Ben Smith Advent Ben Smith

The Ransom for Many, John 1:29-34

Who you recognize Jesus to be determines how you respond to Jesus.

Suppose you see Jesus as an interesting historical figure of the first century. In that case, you may give a passing interest to his life and impact on the world but will pay little attention to him beyond what your curiosity will drive. If you see Jesus as a great moral person, you may respect him for the life he lived and think it may be a good idea to emulate his example. Suppose you see Jesus as a wise or insightful religious teacher. You may feel compelled to study his lessons and even incorporate his teachings into your life.

Toward the end of John's ministry and the beginning of Jesus', he saw Jesus coming toward him. He shouted for all to hear, "Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" He went on to say that Jesus was the son of God and the one for whom God had called him to prepare the way.

John wanted his disciples and all those who listened to him to know who Jesus is and what he came to do so that they might know true salvation found only in Jesus. Thus, he was focused on pointing the world to Jesus so that we might see who He is, know what He has done, and receive the gift of salvation.

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Advent Ben Smith Advent Ben Smith

The Salvation from sin, John 1:14-18

The first chapter of John’s gospel is packed with some of the most amazing statements in all of scripture. John 1:14-18 is one of those passages. John declares in verse 14 that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. The importance of this statement cannot be overstated.

  • Jesus, who is all God and all man, came to dwell amongst humanity.

  • Jesus, who is all God and all man, lived without sin.

  • Jesus, who is all God and all man, died on the cross as a substitute and sacrifice for man’s sin.

  • Jesus, who is all God and all man, rose from the dead three days later.

These truths are central and fundamental to Christianity. If you deny any one of them, you deny them all and the entirety of Christianity. John would say more about how Jesus worked to save us from our sins. Still, in these opening verses, he makes clear that Jesus is the promised Messiah, who demonstrates the grace of God so that we might know God the Father.

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Advent Ben Smith Advent Ben Smith

The Light of Men, John 1:4-9

One of the marvels of modernity is the ability to push back the darkness. No longer are the schedules of our lives dictated by the sun's rising and setting. However, even with this transformational invention, man remains dependent on the presence of light. Light reveals what is. Light exposes the truth and deposes lies.

One of the most basic things we rely on light for is the ability to move around and find our way. Without light, we are lost. Not confused, not turned around but hopelessly lost. Without light, direction has no meaning. And yet even the faintest light can mean the difference between life and death.

John begins his gospel account with this most powerful introductory word: "In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

Jesus is the genuine light of God that dispels the darkness of this world and has overcome the curse of sin.

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Abortion, SCOTUS, Government Ben Smith Abortion, SCOTUS, Government Ben Smith

God and Government, Acts 25:1-12

Since the Supreme Court ruled to overturn Roe v. Wade, much commentary has been in the news. Unfortunately, much of it has been hyperbolic and reactionary. And there have been many proclamations of doom and outlandish fretting over the court's decision.

In response, on July 3, 2022, I preached from Acts chapter 25 and shared what the Bible says to us about how we as Christians are to interact politically in a secular world. I also share what the Supreme Court decision means for abortion so that we might understand what has been gained and the work that still remains to do.

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Church, Church Discipline Ben Smith Church, Church Discipline Ben Smith

The Church's Testimony, Matthew 18:15-20

Church discipline is a subject that makes many uncomfortable. This may be because the church has not been faithful or consistent, some have used the cover of church discipline to abuse, or so little is understood about it, that there is much misunderstanding. Regardless of how uncomfortable it may cause us to be, we must reckon with the fact that this is the teaching of Jesus. May our heart's desire be to faithfully obey the word of God - even the parts that make us uncomfortable.

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Church, Church Discipline Ben Smith Church, Church Discipline Ben Smith

The Church's Foundation, Matthew 16:18-19

This passage follows a very significant moment in the life of Peter. Jesus had asked his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” Peter replied with the powerful confession: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” In verses 18-19 Jesus responds to Peter’s confession. Jesus declares that on this confession of Peter, Jesus will build His church. In this passage, we see that the church is founded on Jesus, sustained by Jesus, and is the testimony of the gospel.

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