The Salvation from sin, John 1:14-18
The first chapter of John’s gospel is packed with some of the most amazing statements in all of scripture. John 1:14-18 is one of those passages. John declares in verse 14 that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. The importance of this statement cannot be overstated.
Jesus, who is all God and all man, came to dwell amongst humanity.
Jesus, who is all God and all man, lived without sin.
Jesus, who is all God and all man, died on the cross as a substitute and sacrifice for man’s sin.
Jesus, who is all God and all man, rose from the dead three days later.
These truths are central and fundamental to Christianity. If you deny any one of them, you deny them all and the entirety of Christianity. John would say more about how Jesus worked to save us from our sins. Still, in these opening verses, he makes clear that Jesus is the promised Messiah, who demonstrates the grace of God so that we might know God the Father.