God and Government, Acts 25:1-12
Since the Supreme Court ruled to overturn Roe v. Wade, much commentary has been in the news. Unfortunately, much of it has been hyperbolic and reactionary. And there have been many proclamations of doom and outlandish fretting over the court's decision.
In response, on July 3, 2022, I preached from Acts chapter 25 and shared what the Bible says to us about how we as Christians are to interact politically in a secular world. I also share what the Supreme Court decision means for abortion so that we might understand what has been gained and the work that still remains to do.
- 1 Thessalonians 3
- 1 Timothy 2
- 2 Timothy 13
- Abortion 4
- Advent 18
- Armor of God 1
- Assurance 1
- Atonement 2
- Authority 1
- Belief 1
- Bible 2
- Brokenness 1
- Calling 3
- Children 1
- Church 15
- Church Conflict 1
- Church Discipline 6
- Cross 2
- Crucifixion 1
- Deacons 1
- Doubt 1
- Elders 8
- Election 1
- Encouragement 3
- Endurance 5
- Equipping the saints 1
- Eternity 1
- Evangelism 7
- Faith 7
- False teachers 3
- Family 4
- Family of God 2
- Fathers 1
- Fear 1
- Fellowship 1
- Forgivness 2
- Freedom 1
- Generosity 5
- Get ready 1
- Giving 2
- God 2
- God's word 3
- Gospel 20
- Government 1
- Grace 5
- Heaven 2
- Hebrews 4
- Hell 1
- Holiness 1
- Holiness of God 1