All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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Current series: 2 Timothy

2 Timothy, Gospel, Suffering Ben Smith 2 Timothy, Gospel, Suffering Ben Smith

Soldiers for Christ, 2 Timothy 2:1-7

Work, labor, and suffering are not words well received today. Wealth and modern conveniences have created a world where ease and comfort are celebrated as the ultimate goal. This unhealthy celebration of ease and comfort has also infected the church. Many Christians today see their relationship with the church and gospel work not in terms of sacrifice and service but in terms of consumer choice and comfort.

God calls every Christian to labor in the gospel work. And God equips faithful Christians for the work. No Christian is called to be only a consumer. Ease and comfort are not the ultimate goals of followers of Christ. Christians are called to be about gospel work regardless of cost or difficulty. 2 Timothy 2:1-7 teaches three fundamental truths that must be understood by those who desire to be faithful to the gospel work.

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2 Timothy, Gospel, Encouragement Ben Smith 2 Timothy, Gospel, Encouragement Ben Smith

Ministry of Faithfulness, 2 Timothy 1:15-18

When hard times come, many who once professed the gospel will fall away. In 2 Timothy 1:15-18, Paul speaks frankly with Timothy, not to be surprised when some fall away but to receive the good blessing of the ministry of those who are faithful.

Like Timothy, you may be discouraged today as you observe many people falling away from the faith. How can you guard your heart against discouragement when it seems many are falling away from the gospel? This passage teaches three truths that encourage the church in days of great unfaithfulness.

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2 Timothy, Calling, Wittness, Gospel, Testimony Ben Smith 2 Timothy, Calling, Wittness, Gospel, Testimony Ben Smith

I Am Not Ashamed, 2 Timothy 1:8-14

What are you ashamed of?

In a broken and sinful world, what is shameful is often celebrated, and what should be celebrated is shamed. To be ashamed of something is to feel shame or disgrace because you are embarrassed, guilty, or humiliated to be associated with it.

Insecurities and fears tempt you to be ashamed of Jesus and the gospel, but Christians must confidently identify with Jesus and boldly proclaim the gospel truth. That is easily said, but how can you resist the temptation to be ashamed of the gospel? This passage teaches us three ways to fight against the temptation to be ashamed of the gospel.

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Salvation, Gospel Ben Smith Salvation, Gospel Ben Smith

Jesus Christ Ransom for All, 1 Timothy 2:3-7

When lives are in danger, the first impulse is to think about how they can be rescued. The most horrifying situations are when there is no hope of saving those in danger. The gospel's good news is that God desires to rescue you and has provided a way for your salvation in Jesus.

Chapter two begins Paul's instructions to Timothy on the proper order of the church. Before addressing these issues, he lays the foundational truths of the church's call to prayer and the forgiveness of sin only in Jesus. In this sermon, I show the good gift of redemption, the desire of God to save, and man's only hope is in Jesus.

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Power of God, Gospel Ben Smith Power of God, Gospel Ben Smith

Glory in Weakness, 2 Corinthians 11:16-33

In these final verses of chapter 11, Paul continues his defense of his apostleship and denouncement of those preaching a gospel contrary to the true gospel.

Generally, it is good advice not to “toot your own horn.” However, sometimes, you must “toot your own horn” when defending against arrogant braggarts leading others astray. This is the case in this passage. To that end, Paul allows himself some room to brag. However, his boasting is not to take any pride in his accomplishments but to show the foolishness of all such boasts. Ultimately, Paul draws your attention to the glory and power of God.

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Gospel Ben Smith Gospel Ben Smith

Gospel Light, 2 Corinthians 4:1-6

Paul knew something about the blindness of sin and the brilliance of the gospel light. He was given the name of Saul at birth, and from his earliest years, he was devoted to keeping the law.

The first introduction we have to Saul in scripture comes in Acts 7 at the stoning of Stephen. As Stephen was stoned to death, Saul watched over the coats of the men who threw the stones. (Acts 7:58) The next chapter describes how Saul became an enthusiastic persecutor of the early Christians (Acts 8:3).

As Saul grew in notoriety for his persecution, he asked the high priest for the authority to arrest Christians and bring them to Jerusalem. After receiving this authority, he made his way to Damascus, but before he arrived, he was confronted by a light from heaven.

Saul’s physical blindness would result in spiritual sight. (Acts 9) God would send a Christian named Ananias to Saul to pray for him. Once God removed the veil of blindness from Saul, God changed his name to Paul.

Paul knew what it was to be blinded to the truth. Paul knew what it was to be blinded to who Jesus is. And Paul knew what it was to see the gospel light. In Corinthians 4, he teaches on the transformation of the gospel, the opposing work of Satan, and the truth that only God can shine the light of knowledge that reveals His glory through Jesus.

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Gospel Ben Smith Gospel Ben Smith

The Time is Now, John 7:32-36

Opportunities do not last forever. Salvation is available today, but the opportunity will not remain forever.  You must choose. Surrender your life to Christ and receive salvation or reject Him and remain in the condemnation of sin. The opportunity is now.

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Evangelism, Gospel Ben Smith Evangelism, Gospel Ben Smith

The Gospel: Be Not Ashamed, Romans 1:16-17

For Christians, the most important thing about you is that you have been saved from sin by the power of God. Your salvation and your relationship with the Lord should be the first thing and the most significant thing that defines you.

There are some professing Christians who keep their faith under wraps. They recognize that it as a liability in this increasingly secularized culture. They justify it by claiming it is not polite to talk about religion or politics. Or they say they do not want to offend anyone.

This passage is in direct contrast to a private, personal, secret faith. Paul declares that he is not ashamed of the gospel, and neither should we be ashamed of the gospel.

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Gospel Ben Smith Gospel Ben Smith

The Gospel Overcomes Sin, Romans 6:23

The consequences of the pandemic have made the fleeting nature of life inescapably exposed. Every day there seems to be news of someone you know who has become very sick or has died from the virus.

Recently, I received the news that a friend was diagnosed and died quickly thereafter with COVID. This news broke my heart because I fear that he breathed his last breath here on earth without ever giving his life to Jesus. On many occasions, I had spoken to him about the gospel, but he was never receptive. For my friend, the opportunity to receive the gospel is no more.

The church does many wonderful and good things, but the most important thing we do is proclaim the gospel to our community. Preaching is fundamentally

The proclaiming of the gospel.

All biblical sermons are gospel-focused. Some are more explicit than others. Recognizing the perilous times we are experiencing I want to spend the next several weeks being as explicate as I can about the hope of the gospel, the eternal peril of God’s judgment, and the glorious promise of heaven.

Today we consider the wonderful declaration of Romans 6:23.

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Gospel Ben Smith Gospel Ben Smith

Parables: Rich or Poor, Luke 16:19-31

This parable is unsettling. And I believe the more we understand it, and the more we rightly identify with the characters in it, the more unsettling it will become. Jesus tells this story to teach major themes about eternity, heaven, and hell. This parable is intended to teach, warn, and to encourage the wayward to repent.

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Gospel Ben Smith Gospel Ben Smith

Parables: Lost and Found, Luke 15:1-10

In these two parables Jesus tells the story of two lost items – a sheep and a coin. Everyone hearing this story can identify both with loosing something and the effort of looking intensely for a lost item.

Jesus uses this familiar experience of losing items and the joy of finding them to respond to the grumblings of the religious self-righteous who were complaining about Jesus spending time with and eating with sinners.
With these parables Jesus teaches two things that reveal the character and heart of God toward sinful man.

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Gospel Ben Smith Gospel Ben Smith

Parables: Come to Jesus, Luke 14:16-24

The people in the room cared very much about the law and about their place in society. Most in the room were confident that they were right with God. It is in response to this outburst recorded in verse 15 that Jesus tells this parable about the invited guests not responding to the master’s invitation. Verse 16 begins, not with Jesus affirming this declaration but with an indication that Jesus responded unexpectantly. To this triumphant remark, Luke records, “but He (Jesus) said to him.”

The invitation to come to salvation is present. But the invitation alone is not enough. The invited must come to the event. To be saved, you must do more than acknowledge that Jesus saves. You must come to Jesus.

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Gospel, Resurrection Ben Smith Gospel, Resurrection Ben Smith

He Lives, Matthew 28:9-10

At the first light on Sunday Mary and Mary make their way to the tomb to do the unpleasant task of anointing the dead body of Jesus with strong spices to compete against the putrid stench of decay. The scene that they encounter is anything but what they expected to find. The stone is rolled away. An angel sits on top of the stone announcing the resurrection of Jesus. The Roman guards are so frightened they are literally frozen with fear. The angel tells the two Marys that they are to go and tell the disciples that Jesus has risen from the grave and that He is going to meet His disciples in Galilee.

They depart immediately, with both fear and great joy, to report what they had experienced to the disciples. On their way they meet Jesus. It is in this meeting that Matthew records the first words spoken by the savior after the resurrection.

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Gospel Ben Smith Gospel Ben Smith

Jesus Total Sacrifice, Matthew 27:45-46

In this passage we have witness of the last words of Jesus on the cross. They are words of despair and agony. But in this very dark and sad moment there is a display of amazing grace – Jesus is giving His whole life and bearing the whole weight of sin so sinners might be totally redeemed.

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Gospel Ben Smith Gospel Ben Smith

Jesus Alone Saves, Matthew 26:74-75

Peter was the leader of the disciples in many ways. He led them spiritually. He led them in devotion and faithfulness. He led them in his willingness to sacrifice for Jesus and His kingdom. These things are certainly admirable. But late in the evening as he witnessed the trial and humiliation of Jesus, he fulfilled the prediction of Jesus – denying him three times before the rooster crowed. The third denial was especially low in that to make himself believable he cursed and cussed.

When Peter denied Jesus the third time it was the lowest moment in his life and ministry. But in this moment to total failure, he would learn a truth that changed the course of his life and allowed him to be used greatly for the gospel and God’s kingdom.

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Gospel Ben Smith Gospel Ben Smith

Jesus Willing Servant, Matthew 26:53-56

The events of this passage begin the night of trials before the Jewish religious leaders who would then turn Jesus over to the civil authorities to be crucified. These events would not go as either side had thought they would. Jesus does not resist. He surrenders Himself. He is surrenders willingly because He is fulfilling His mission of being the suffering servant obedient to the will of God for the redemption of sinful man.

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