Jesus is Alive, John 20:11-18
If you look for how Jesus preached at funerals, you will search in vain because when Jesus went to funerals, He did not just comfort the grieving; He raised the dead. Even before His resurrection, death could not exist where He was.
The hope of the gospel is not that we would cope with death. The hope of the gospel is that Jesus has defeated death. In sin, no one can escape death and its curse. But Jesus conquered death. And through salvation, we can know His resurrection.
- 1 Thessalonians 6
- 1 Timothy 2
- 2 Timothy 13
- Abortion 4
- Advent 18
- Armor of God 1
- Assurance 1
- Atonement 2
- Authority 1
- Belief 1
- Bible 2
- Brokenness 1
- Calling 3
- Children 1
- Church 15
- Church Conflict 1
- Church Discipline 6
- Cross 2
- Crucifixion 1
- Deacons 1
- Doubt 1
- Elders 8
- Election 1
- Encouragement 3
- Endurance 5
- Equipping the saints 1
- Eternity 1
- Evangelism 7
- Faith 7
- Faithfulness 1
- False teachers 3
- Family 4
- Family of God 2
- Fathers 1
- Fear 1
- Fellowship 1
- Forgivness 2
- Freedom 1
- Generosity 5
- Get ready 1
- Giving 2
- God 2
- God's word 3
- Gospel 20
- Government 1
- Grace 5
- Heaven 2
- Hebrews 4
- Hell 1
- Holiness 1