All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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Current series: 2 Timothy

Atonement, Giving, Generosity Ben Smith Atonement, Giving, Generosity Ben Smith

Courageous Giving, Mark 12:38-44

In contrast to the celebrated scribes, Jesus draws his disciple's attention to the place where people brought their temple offerings. Their attention was naturally drawn to those making large gifts, but Jesus wanted them to witness something greater.

Jesus pointed to the poor widow's offering as a greater offering in the sight of God, not because of worldly value but because of the heart of worship. From the widow's offering and Jesus' teaching, we find the principles that giving is good, must be sacrificial, and is an act of worship.

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Cross, Atonement Ben Smith Cross, Atonement Ben Smith

It is finished, John 19:23-30

Jesus proclaimed, “It is finished,” as His final word from the cross. With His death, scripture was fulfilled, and the work of redemption was complete. We can do nothing to earn our salvation. Jesus finished the work of atonement on the cross. You cannot add more to what Jesus has done. You must either receive the gift or reject it.

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