All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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Current series: 2 Timothy

Weakness, Power of God Ben Smith Weakness, Power of God Ben Smith

Jars of Clay, 2 Corinthians 4:7-12

Leaders naturally want to project an image of power and strength. Any perceived weakness threatens their ability to command the attention, loyalty, and support of those they lead.

In 2 Corinthians 4:7, Paul makes a radically different claim. He does not claim strength, power, ability, intelligence, or any other characteristic of worldly admiration. Instead, he identifies himself with the forgettable, ordinary, and disposable jar of clay. His identification with such humility is not made in despair but in glorious hope. He recognized that God uses the powerless and ordinary to display His glory and power.

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Suffering Ben Smith Suffering Ben Smith

Suffering for the Gospel, 2 Corinthians 1:1-11

Suffering is unpleasant. We do all we can to avoid it. And when we experience suffering, we often attempt to minimize the knowledge of how much it affects us to others. We are tempted to look at others who seem not to have much suffering as more greatly blessed by God. And we often wonder when suffering comes to our lives if it is evidence of God's displeasure.

Paul opens this letter to the Corinthian church with an honest word about suffering. From the passage, we can see three principles concerning suffering.

1. Suffering is real

2. Suffering prepares for ministry

3. Suffering binds us together

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Salvation, Transformation Ben Smith Salvation, Transformation Ben Smith

Dead to sin alive in Christ, Romans 6:1-11

To be transformed is to be irrevocably changed. Once a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, it can no longer be a caterpillar again. Butterflies never return to being caterpillars, nor do those saved by the cross of Jesus go back to a life ruled by sin.

The end of Romans 5 says that where sin increases, so does grace. To the sinful mind, this sounds like an invitation to sin more to get more grace. In Romans 6, Paul responds by teaching what it means to be transformed. Yes, more sin equals more grace, but the response by one transformed by the gospel is not to desire more sin but more righteousness.

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Abortion, SCOTUS, Government Ben Smith Abortion, SCOTUS, Government Ben Smith

God and Government, Acts 25:1-12

Since the Supreme Court ruled to overturn Roe v. Wade, much commentary has been in the news. Unfortunately, much of it has been hyperbolic and reactionary. And there have been many proclamations of doom and outlandish fretting over the court's decision.

In response, on July 3, 2022, I preached from Acts chapter 25 and shared what the Bible says to us about how we as Christians are to interact politically in a secular world. I also share what the Supreme Court decision means for abortion so that we might understand what has been gained and the work that still remains to do.

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Endurance, Faith Ben Smith Endurance, Faith Ben Smith

Bonus Episode: Keep the Faith, 2 Timothy 4:3-5

This past Sunday, my friend Freddie Smith preached for me thus there is not a new sermon for the podcast this week. So I am posting a sermon I preached in 2017 on the occasion of the recognition Sunday for our high school graduates. The sermon is from 2 Timothy 4 on the spiritual dangers we face today.

Of course, these concerns are not unique to our day. The spiritual dangers we face are not new to the modern area. These concerns are what prompted Paul to warn Timothy in this passage. In this sermon, I share two warnings and then encourage you to stand firm and keep the faith.

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