All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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Current series: 2 Timothy

2 Timothy, Gospel, Suffering Ben Smith 2 Timothy, Gospel, Suffering Ben Smith

Soldiers for Christ, 2 Timothy 2:1-7

Work, labor, and suffering are not words well received today. Wealth and modern conveniences have created a world where ease and comfort are celebrated as the ultimate goal. This unhealthy celebration of ease and comfort has also infected the church. Many Christians today see their relationship with the church and gospel work not in terms of sacrifice and service but in terms of consumer choice and comfort.

God calls every Christian to labor in the gospel work. And God equips faithful Christians for the work. No Christian is called to be only a consumer. Ease and comfort are not the ultimate goals of followers of Christ. Christians are called to be about gospel work regardless of cost or difficulty. 2 Timothy 2:1-7 teaches three fundamental truths that must be understood by those who desire to be faithful to the gospel work.

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Sanctity of Life, Abortion Ben Smith Sanctity of Life, Abortion Ben Smith

Sanctity of Life, Psalm 139:13-16

The sanctity of life for Christians is not a political issue. The sanctity of life for Christians is a convictional issue that before the Lord, every human life is made by God and holy before God.

Psalm 139 is a psalm of David and a powerful word on the omnipresence of God. Verses 13-16 come in response to David marveling that God knows everything about him. Building on this, David declares that every human life is the glorious masterpiece of God, known by God, and the intentional work of God.

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Holiness of God Ben Smith Holiness of God Ben Smith

The Lord is Holy, Psalm 11

This is a Psalm of David, but it is unknown what situation he is writing about. From the first two verses, we learn that he is being threatened by evil persons and has received the counsel to flee for safety. However, in the situation that was the occasion of this psalm, David was led by the Lord not to flee from whatever was threatening his life. He trusted his life and well-being to the provision of God. Psalm 11 is not about David’s bravery, wisdom, tenacity, or leadership. This psalm is about who God is.

The division of the psalm is in two parts. It begins with a statement and question, followed by a testimony of who God is. The first part is a declaration of faith: “In the Lord, I take my refuge (vs. 1).” The evidence of this faith is that David rejects the suggestion that he should flee like a bird. The second part is verses 4-7, which testify that God is holy, actively working, and eternally righteous.

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