All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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Prayer Ben Smith Prayer Ben Smith

Pray, 1 Timothy 2:1-2, 8

Chapter two begins Paul’s instructions to Timothy on the proper order of the church. However, before addressing these issues, he first lays the foundational truths of the church’s call to prayer and the forgiveness of sin that is only in Jesus.

You learned in elementary English class to look for the what, who, how, and why. Likewise, this sermon will focus on the what, who, how, and why of prayer.

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Evangelism, False teachers Ben Smith Evangelism, False teachers Ben Smith

Do Not Be Silent, 2 Corinthians 11:7-15

No matter how far a child has wandered or how great a child has rebelled, godly parents do not give up hope that God will draw them back. No matter how long it has been, godly parents continue to call on the Lord to rescue their child and take every opportunity to speak the truth to their child.

This is the heartbreaking intensity with which Paul writes this passage. He loved the church at Corinth. He considered them his children in the faith. And he is brokenhearted that they may be led astray by wicked men. And so, he contends for them by preaching the truth in love.

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Salvation Ben Smith Salvation Ben Smith

Now is the Day, 2 Corinthians 6:1-13

The image of a train leaving the station has long been a helpful image for a present opportunity. When the train arrives, you have the opportunity to get on. However, this opportunity will not last. The train will leave, and when it does, you will lose the opportunity for travel.

How many will miss the opportunity to get on board because they are too tied to the luggage on the loading dock? Weighed down by concerns and worldly affection other than the departing train, they will miss the opportunity. Likewise, how many will miss the opportunity of salvation? Clinging tight to the affections and concerns of this world, many will miss the gift of salvation.

I cannot promise tomorrow, but I can declare today that now is the day of salvation.

Let loose of the things of this world and take hold of Jesus.

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Evangelism Ben Smith Evangelism Ben Smith

Light in Darkness, 1 Peter 3:13-17

In this passage, Peter encourages the church to be prepared to share the hope of the gospel with gentleness and respect. Peter was writing to a church that was well acquainted with persecution and worldly hostility. Throughout history, the gospel has been most effectively spread in times of great persecution. In the days of the New Testament church, as persecution pushed Christians to leave their homes, the gospel was spread wherever they went. We, too, are called to be light in the darkness of this world and be ambassadors for the gospel wherever the Lord takes us.

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Evangelism Ben Smith Evangelism Ben Smith

The Gospel: Commanded to Go, Matthew 28:18-20

This passage is a familiar passage to most Christians. Most Christians know that they should be sharing the gospel. However, many Christians approach this passage more with inaction and guilt than obedience and enthusiasm. I hope, through this sermon, you will wrestle with the command of Jesus and take hold of the power that God provides for our obedience.

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Evangelism, Gospel Ben Smith Evangelism, Gospel Ben Smith

The Gospel: Be Not Ashamed, Romans 1:16-17

For Christians, the most important thing about you is that you have been saved from sin by the power of God. Your salvation and your relationship with the Lord should be the first thing and the most significant thing that defines you.

There are some professing Christians who keep their faith under wraps. They recognize that it as a liability in this increasingly secularized culture. They justify it by claiming it is not polite to talk about religion or politics. Or they say they do not want to offend anyone.

This passage is in direct contrast to a private, personal, secret faith. Paul declares that he is not ashamed of the gospel, and neither should we be ashamed of the gospel.

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Gospel Ben Smith Gospel Ben Smith

The Gospel Overcomes Sin, Romans 6:23

The consequences of the pandemic have made the fleeting nature of life inescapably exposed. Every day there seems to be news of someone you know who has become very sick or has died from the virus.

Recently, I received the news that a friend was diagnosed and died quickly thereafter with COVID. This news broke my heart because I fear that he breathed his last breath here on earth without ever giving his life to Jesus. On many occasions, I had spoken to him about the gospel, but he was never receptive. For my friend, the opportunity to receive the gospel is no more.

The church does many wonderful and good things, but the most important thing we do is proclaim the gospel to our community. Preaching is fundamentally

The proclaiming of the gospel.

All biblical sermons are gospel-focused. Some are more explicit than others. Recognizing the perilous times we are experiencing I want to spend the next several weeks being as explicate as I can about the hope of the gospel, the eternal peril of God’s judgment, and the glorious promise of heaven.

Today we consider the wonderful declaration of Romans 6:23.

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Evangelism Ben Smith Evangelism Ben Smith

Shine, Mark 4:21-23

Using the example of the lamp I want you to see to fundamental truths about following Christ. When you believe in faith on Jesus for salvation you are forever changed – you are irreversibly transformed. The humble oil lamp demonstrates two ways this transformation changes you - transformed nature and transformed obligation.

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Gospel, Resurrection Ben Smith Gospel, Resurrection Ben Smith

He Lives, Matthew 28:9-10

At the first light on Sunday Mary and Mary make their way to the tomb to do the unpleasant task of anointing the dead body of Jesus with strong spices to compete against the putrid stench of decay. The scene that they encounter is anything but what they expected to find. The stone is rolled away. An angel sits on top of the stone announcing the resurrection of Jesus. The Roman guards are so frightened they are literally frozen with fear. The angel tells the two Marys that they are to go and tell the disciples that Jesus has risen from the grave and that He is going to meet His disciples in Galilee.

They depart immediately, with both fear and great joy, to report what they had experienced to the disciples. On their way they meet Jesus. It is in this meeting that Matthew records the first words spoken by the savior after the resurrection.

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Evangelism Ben Smith Evangelism Ben Smith

Preach Jesus, Acts 5:17-42

Nations rise and fall. Leaders and rulers rise to power, but all succumb to death and are no more. Not so with Jesus. He was crucified but rose again. Not so with those who follow Jesus. Hated and opposed by the world but empowered by the God of all creation the church stands – not in the power of men but in the power of God. The gospel witness and the faithful church is preserved in every generation and in every situation according to the will of God. Preach Jesus in season and out of season. Preach Jesus when the gospel is well received and when it sets the world in a rage.

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