All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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Current series: 2 Timothy

2 Timothy, Church, Calling, Prayer, Family of God Ben Smith 2 Timothy, Church, Calling, Prayer, Family of God Ben Smith

Seeing with God’s Perspective, 2 Timothy 1:1-2

As Paul writes these opening words of this final letter to the young pastor Timothy, he is not writing as a failure, in defeat, or even depressed by his circumstances. Paul writes with expectation and authority, knowing that his life is not his own and the kingdom of God is not dependent on his circumstances.

This is not an effort to put a positive spin on a bad situation. This is Paul writing and living according to God's perspective, not man's. To live faithfully and obediently to the Lord, you must live according to God's perspective, not man's.

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Prayer Ben Smith Prayer Ben Smith

Pray, 1 Timothy 2:1-2, 8

Chapter two begins Paul’s instructions to Timothy on the proper order of the church. However, before addressing these issues, he first lays the foundational truths of the church’s call to prayer and the forgiveness of sin that is only in Jesus.

You learned in elementary English class to look for the what, who, how, and why. Likewise, this sermon will focus on the what, who, how, and why of prayer.

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Prayer Ben Smith Prayer Ben Smith

Authentic Prayer, 2 Chronicles 20:1-12

In scripture, there are many examples of prayer. Some are eloquent others are passionate. Some are long and detailed; others are short and simple. Though not definitively prescriptive, these examples teach us how to pray.

Prayer is a fundamental part of living for Jesus. Jesus prayed. Jesus taught His disciples to pray. Paul prayed and encouraged the church to pray. The Old Testament is full of examples of God's people praying.

Jehoshaphat was a king of Judah who led his people to seek the Lord in prayer in a moment of crisis. A nation much stronger than his own was threatening to attack, and Jehoshaphat knew that they would lose in battle unless the Lord delivered them. So he called together the nation to pray and ask God to deliver them.

In Jehoshaphat's prayer, we have a helpful model of authentic prayer.

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Prayer Ben Smith Prayer Ben Smith

Parables: Seek and Find, Luke 11:1-13

Jesus tells these two parables in response to his disciples asking Him to teach them to pray. First Jesus gives an example prayer in verse 2-4 then He tells two stories to illustrate how we are to approach God in prayer and how God responds to our prayer.

As we consider this passage, I want you to see that we are to approach the Lord in prayer like children, that God will answer your prayer, and that the Lord’s heart toward His children is to give good gifts.

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Prayer Ben Smith Prayer Ben Smith

Reset: Pray with Perseverance, Ephesians 6:18-20

This passage is part of Paul’s teaching on the armor of God – that you may be familiar with. As he describes all the “equipment” a Christian needs – belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, sandals of the gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit – he gives the most attention to prayer (three verses 18-20).

Let us consider what Paul teaches us about prayer. Four times he uses the word “all” in his instruction on prayer. Prayer is not something that is an extracurricular activity. For Christians, prayer is part of our all in all. We are a people of prayer, who pray, and pray for all things at all times.

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