All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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Physical body Ben Smith Physical body Ben Smith

Joyful Sojourn, 2 Corinthians 5:1-10

Is there something wrong with your body today? Is there something not working as it should, injured, or dysfunctional? Though there may be a few who would not admit to it, the answer for most is “yes.” For some, the dysfunction or injury is apparent. Others suffer from a physical or mental dysfunction that is not observable to others.

1 Corinthians 5:1-10 does not ignore the difficulties we experience in the flesh, but it does teach that there is purpose and blessing in your infirmities. The weakness and dysfunctions of your body remind you that your body is under the curse of sin and points you to the promises of God. Because Jesus died, was buried, and rose bodily from the grave, there is hope in a bodily resurrection to glorify bodies.

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New Covenant, Salvation Ben Smith New Covenant, Salvation Ben Smith

Jesus is Greater, 2 Corinthians 3

In 2 Corinthians 3, Paul references the events recorded in Exodus 19-34. He compares the glory of the law with the glory of the new covenant and salvation in Jesus Christ.

You may ask, "what relevance does the law of Moses have today?" You may wonder what connection the events of the Israelites near Mt. Sinai have with you today. The relevance and connection are that all who are outside of the redemption of Jesus Christ still rely on the law of Moses. Under the law, you are attempting to be a good person through your own effort.

Even if you claim to be an atheist or, in some other way, totally disinterested in Christianity, you have some standard of goodness. You have some version of a moral code. You have a paradigm for what makes a person good or bad. These standards and codes are forms of law. 

Acceptance by God requires perfection under the law or redemption by the perfect blood of Jesus.

In comparison to the law of Moses, Paul makes clear that the gospel of Jesus Christ and the new covenant purchased by His blood is better than, greater than, and more glorious than anything the old covenant could bring, glorious as it may have been.

From 2 Corinthians 3, we see three ways the new covenant is better than, greater than, and more glorious than the old covenant of the law:

  • Jesus provides true evidence of salvation.

  • Jesus is more glorious than the law.

  • Jesus makes you holy before the Father.

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Cross, Atonement Ben Smith Cross, Atonement Ben Smith

It is finished, John 19:23-30

Jesus proclaimed, “It is finished,” as His final word from the cross. With His death, scripture was fulfilled, and the work of redemption was complete. We can do nothing to earn our salvation. Jesus finished the work of atonement on the cross. You cannot add more to what Jesus has done. You must either receive the gift or reject it.

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