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Sermon Podcast

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1 Thessalonians, Testimony Ben Smith 1 Thessalonians, Testimony Ben Smith

A Good Testimony, 1 Thessalonians 2:9-12

Gospel work is motivated by conviction of truth and a desire to honor God.

There have always been those who teach and preach false doctrine or use the preaching of the gospel for selfish gain. There have also been those who, though they proclaimed the true gospel, did not lead the church to faithfully live according to the righteousness of God. Paul reminds the church that his ministry among them was faithful to the gospel and unapologetically led them to live righteously before God. His testimony is not one that is unique to him, church leaders, or those with special giftedness in the church. This testimony is one that every faithful Christian should have.

This passage teaches two testimonies that a life governed by the conviction of truth and a desire to please God will bear.

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2 Timothy, God's word, Preaching Ben Smith 2 Timothy, God's word, Preaching Ben Smith

Approved and Unashamed Workman, 2 Timothy 2:14-19

Competence and skill are not declared but demonstrated. The evidence of a workman’s competence and skill is proved over time when their work proves to be able to endure the test of time.

The primary task of every ministry of the gospel is to rightly and faithfully make God’s word known. There are temptations that work against this, but Paul warns Timothy not to swerve from the truth.

In this passage, the Bible gives two commands to keep you from swerving from the truth so that you might be an approved and unashamed workman. It also gives a test that testifies to the genuineness of your faith and approval before God.

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Leadership Ben Smith Leadership Ben Smith

Testimony of Leadership, 2 Corinthians 8:16-24

The Bible recognizes the sinfulness of man and man’s nature of rebellion. Recognizing the destructive nature of this rebellion, the Bible recognizes the need for rulers to establish and enforce the law. And the need for oversight for leaders because they, too, are sinful. 

In these final verses of the chapter, Paul gives testimony to Titus and the two brothers he is sending back to the Corinthian church. Here we find helpful teaching on the goodness of leadership and how to respond to those God has given such responsibility to.

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Gospel Ben Smith Gospel Ben Smith

Parables: Rich or Poor, Luke 16:19-31

This parable is unsettling. And I believe the more we understand it, and the more we rightly identify with the characters in it, the more unsettling it will become. Jesus tells this story to teach major themes about eternity, heaven, and hell. This parable is intended to teach, warn, and to encourage the wayward to repent.

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