All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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Current series: 2 Timothy

Church, Church Discipline, God Ben Smith Church, Church Discipline, God Ben Smith

Costly Love, 2 Corinthians 12:11-21

The relationship of parent to child is one that Paul uses in this passage and is helpful in understanding the relationship between those who proclaim the gospel and those who receive it. Children do not always appreciate their parents' sacrifices and sometimes even rebel against their parents. What motivates all that parents do for their children is love.

In this passage, the Bible teaches how believers should respond to the gospel, the cost of ministry, and what motivates the preaching of the gospel.

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New Creation Ben Smith New Creation Ben Smith

The Reconciliation Gospel, 2 Corinthians 5:11-21

From 2 Corinthians 5:11-21, Pastor Ben preaches on how the gospel transforms your life. In this passage, Paul uses "therefore" three times to build his argument for how an eternal gospel perspective transforms how you live. The resurrection transforms who you live for; therefore, the gospel transforms how you live, and; therefore, the hope of the gospel transforms how you relate to others.

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Cross, Atonement Ben Smith Cross, Atonement Ben Smith

It is finished, John 19:23-30

Jesus proclaimed, “It is finished,” as His final word from the cross. With His death, scripture was fulfilled, and the work of redemption was complete. We can do nothing to earn our salvation. Jesus finished the work of atonement on the cross. You cannot add more to what Jesus has done. You must either receive the gift or reject it.

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Cross Ben Smith Cross Ben Smith

King Jesus, John 19:1-22

In an attempt to demonstrate His weakness and powerlessness, Jesus is ridiculed as a false king. But even in His suffering and mistreatment, His kingdom is unshaken. His authority as King of all kings is not threatened.

Death on the cross was intended to be humiliating and shameful. But on the cross, Jesus confronts the guilt and shame of our sin and overcomes it with His own blood.

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Advent, Love Ben Smith Advent, Love Ben Smith

The Name: Immanuel, Matthew 1:21-23

When the angel revealed to Joseph that Mary was pregnant with the Messiah, he was declaring that the long wait was over. The long-anticipated Messiah was coming. The Christ has arrived.

The name that the prophet Isaiah gives the messiah is Immanuel. As Matthew recounts the encounter Joseph had with the angel, he reminds us that this name means “God with us.” God stepped out of the glory of heaven to dwell among and with us.

The prophets sang, “Oh come, oh come Immanuel.” The angel declared to Joseph Immanuel had come. Through Jesus, we know the amazing love of God's presence, and sacrifice. And through the love of Jesus, we are transformed.

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Sacrifice Ben Smith Sacrifice Ben Smith

The Gospel:Worthy of Sacrifice, 1 Corinthians 9:16-23

We could certainly find much to point to in our current cultural context that would testify to the dysfunctional and delusional elevation of personal autonomy over truth. However, all of us have a natural inclination to preference our desires and autonomy over others. Thus, what Paul teaches in this passage is certainly radical in contrast to our present-day, but truthfully it has always been counter-culturally radical. The gospel compels us to sacrifice many things, but the first of which is our very lives.

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Gospel Ben Smith Gospel Ben Smith

Jesus Total Sacrifice, Matthew 27:45-46

In this passage we have witness of the last words of Jesus on the cross. They are words of despair and agony. But in this very dark and sad moment there is a display of amazing grace – Jesus is giving His whole life and bearing the whole weight of sin so sinners might be totally redeemed.

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Gospel Ben Smith Gospel Ben Smith

Jesus Willing Servant, Matthew 26:53-56

The events of this passage begin the night of trials before the Jewish religious leaders who would then turn Jesus over to the civil authorities to be crucified. These events would not go as either side had thought they would. Jesus does not resist. He surrenders Himself. He is surrenders willingly because He is fulfilling His mission of being the suffering servant obedient to the will of God for the redemption of sinful man.

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