All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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Current series: 2 Timothy

Salvation, Invitation Ben Smith Salvation, Invitation Ben Smith

Rest for your souls, Matthew 11:28-30

Matthew 11:28-30 is a beloved passage because of its pastoral care, gracious invitation, and the promise of rest. However, the context in which this passage comes is of Jesus speaking a harsh word of judgment on those who had rejected Him. But even as He warns of the consequence of sin, He offers a gospel invitation. Jesus invites all to come to saving faith and know the rest that is only known through the forgiveness of sin.

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Church, Church Discipline Ben Smith Church, Church Discipline Ben Smith

The Church's Testimony, Matthew 18:15-20

Church discipline is a subject that makes many uncomfortable. This may be because the church has not been faithful or consistent, some have used the cover of church discipline to abuse, or so little is understood about it, that there is much misunderstanding. Regardless of how uncomfortable it may cause us to be, we must reckon with the fact that this is the teaching of Jesus. May our heart's desire be to faithfully obey the word of God - even the parts that make us uncomfortable.

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Church, Church Discipline Ben Smith Church, Church Discipline Ben Smith

The Church's Foundation, Matthew 16:18-19

This passage follows a very significant moment in the life of Peter. Jesus had asked his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” Peter replied with the powerful confession: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” In verses 18-19 Jesus responds to Peter’s confession. Jesus declares that on this confession of Peter, Jesus will build His church. In this passage, we see that the church is founded on Jesus, sustained by Jesus, and is the testimony of the gospel.

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Evangelism Ben Smith Evangelism Ben Smith

The Gospel: Commanded to Go, Matthew 28:18-20

This passage is a familiar passage to most Christians. Most Christians know that they should be sharing the gospel. However, many Christians approach this passage more with inaction and guilt than obedience and enthusiasm. I hope, through this sermon, you will wrestle with the command of Jesus and take hold of the power that God provides for our obedience.

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Gospel, Resurrection Ben Smith Gospel, Resurrection Ben Smith

He Lives, Matthew 28:9-10

At the first light on Sunday Mary and Mary make their way to the tomb to do the unpleasant task of anointing the dead body of Jesus with strong spices to compete against the putrid stench of decay. The scene that they encounter is anything but what they expected to find. The stone is rolled away. An angel sits on top of the stone announcing the resurrection of Jesus. The Roman guards are so frightened they are literally frozen with fear. The angel tells the two Marys that they are to go and tell the disciples that Jesus has risen from the grave and that He is going to meet His disciples in Galilee.

They depart immediately, with both fear and great joy, to report what they had experienced to the disciples. On their way they meet Jesus. It is in this meeting that Matthew records the first words spoken by the savior after the resurrection.

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Gospel Ben Smith Gospel Ben Smith

Jesus Total Sacrifice, Matthew 27:45-46

In this passage we have witness of the last words of Jesus on the cross. They are words of despair and agony. But in this very dark and sad moment there is a display of amazing grace – Jesus is giving His whole life and bearing the whole weight of sin so sinners might be totally redeemed.

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Gospel Ben Smith Gospel Ben Smith

Jesus Alone Saves, Matthew 26:74-75

Peter was the leader of the disciples in many ways. He led them spiritually. He led them in devotion and faithfulness. He led them in his willingness to sacrifice for Jesus and His kingdom. These things are certainly admirable. But late in the evening as he witnessed the trial and humiliation of Jesus, he fulfilled the prediction of Jesus – denying him three times before the rooster crowed. The third denial was especially low in that to make himself believable he cursed and cussed.

When Peter denied Jesus the third time it was the lowest moment in his life and ministry. But in this moment to total failure, he would learn a truth that changed the course of his life and allowed him to be used greatly for the gospel and God’s kingdom.

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Gospel Ben Smith Gospel Ben Smith

Jesus Willing Servant, Matthew 26:53-56

The events of this passage begin the night of trials before the Jewish religious leaders who would then turn Jesus over to the civil authorities to be crucified. These events would not go as either side had thought they would. Jesus does not resist. He surrenders Himself. He is surrenders willingly because He is fulfilling His mission of being the suffering servant obedient to the will of God for the redemption of sinful man.

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