All for the Kingdom
Sermon Podcast
Parables: Pray and Persevere, Luke 18:1-8
What tempts you to give up? All of us have, at some point in our lives, been tempted to give up. Sometimes it happens in the context of sports. Sometimes it seems like you just cannot get a break. Other times it seems like your opponents are so far above you that you have no hope of being competitive. Sometimes it happens in the context of work.
Maybe you are struggling to keep up with the demands of your job. or maybe the stress of your job is overwhelming you. Sometimes the temptation to give up is even more heart-wrenching than normal difficulties. It could be that those in authority are not adjudicating righteousness. It could be that your boss is treating you unfairly. It could be that others are exploiting and taking unfair advantage of you. And all of this leads to the temptation to give up.
This temptation is present in our walk with the Lord as well. Many are tempted to give up and give in to the world's demands because of the hardships and sufferings that come with following Jesus.
In this parable, Jesus teaches us how we are to pray and not lose heart.
Parables: Rich or Poor, Luke 16:19-31
This parable is unsettling. And I believe the more we understand it, and the more we rightly identify with the characters in it, the more unsettling it will become. Jesus tells this story to teach major themes about eternity, heaven, and hell. This parable is intended to teach, warn, and to encourage the wayward to repent.
Parables: Lost and Found, Luke 15:1-10
In these two parables Jesus tells the story of two lost items – a sheep and a coin. Everyone hearing this story can identify both with loosing something and the effort of looking intensely for a lost item.
Jesus uses this familiar experience of losing items and the joy of finding them to respond to the grumblings of the religious self-righteous who were complaining about Jesus spending time with and eating with sinners.
With these parables Jesus teaches two things that reveal the character and heart of God toward sinful man.
Parables: Come to Jesus, Luke 14:16-24
The people in the room cared very much about the law and about their place in society. Most in the room were confident that they were right with God. It is in response to this outburst recorded in verse 15 that Jesus tells this parable about the invited guests not responding to the master’s invitation. Verse 16 begins, not with Jesus affirming this declaration but with an indication that Jesus responded unexpectantly. To this triumphant remark, Luke records, “but He (Jesus) said to him.”
The invitation to come to salvation is present. But the invitation alone is not enough. The invited must come to the event. To be saved, you must do more than acknowledge that Jesus saves. You must come to Jesus.
Parables: Fruit of Repentance, Luke 13:1-9
The simple truth of this passage is a call to repent. This was the singular message of John the Baptist’s preaching. This was the theme of Jesus’ preaching. And this is the call of every faithful preacher of the gospel to this day.
Parables: True Treasures, Luke 12:16-21
We live in a world that values things. The sales pitch is always the same, “more things equal more happiness.” We like to hear that we “need” more things, or we “deserve” more things. So often, the temptation to judge our own value or success by the number of things we have collected overwhelms us. And as a result, we pursue an unattainable goal to have enough. The tragedy of all this striving for more is that we invest our resources, talents, and efforts in the attempt to attain things that will never be able to hold the value that was spent pursuing them.
There are riches that brings blessing, but these are not recognized by the world nor celebrated by men. The true treasures that bring true blessings are the things of the Lord. Seek after true treasure and being rich toward God.
Parables: Seek and Find, Luke 11:1-13
Jesus tells these two parables in response to his disciples asking Him to teach them to pray. First Jesus gives an example prayer in verse 2-4 then He tells two stories to illustrate how we are to approach God in prayer and how God responds to our prayer.
As we consider this passage, I want you to see that we are to approach the Lord in prayer like children, that God will answer your prayer, and that the Lord’s heart toward His children is to give good gifts.
Parables: Good Samaritan, Luke 10:24-37
Are you justified by your own actions or are you justified by the merciful salvation of Christ? Are you concerned with how much you must do to be right or are you overwhelmed by the limitless mercy expressed through the cross of Christ?
Dear friend – all those who have known the limitless, overwhelming fountain of the mercy of God that flowed through the veins of Jesus on the cross will “love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul,and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself”