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Salvation Ben Smith Salvation Ben Smith

Is your life worthy of imitation?

Is your life worthy of imitation? If new believers imitated your walk with God, would it be to their benefit? If fellow members of the church imitated your holiness, would they walk in righteousness? If the younger members imitated your worship attendance practices, would they be pleasing to God? The answer to these questions for Christians must be "Yes."

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Salvation Ben Smith Salvation Ben Smith

What God Begins, He Finishes

A life transformed does not un-transform. It is possible to fake transformation for a while. It is possible to imitate transformation for a while. However, the transformation of God does not lose power, wear out, or grow old. What God begins, he always finishes (Philippians 1:6). Those who have been truly saved by God will remain steadfast in hope until the Lord returns.

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Rejoice Ben Smith Rejoice Ben Smith

Rejoicing is not dependent on emotions but on the promises of God

God is a God of truth. Do not be ruled by fickle feelings and fleeting emotions; be ruled by the eternal truth of God. Seek to understand the truth of God in all things. Seek to understand the purpose and calling of your life according to the truth of God. Seek to understand the movements of God according to the truth of God. Seek to understand the difficulties of this world according to the truth of God. Wherever there is a lack of understanding, ask God to light up your eyes with His eternal truth.

The hope of the gospel is that God has brought salvation to sinners. So when sickness comes, rejoice because God has promised salvation and glorified bodies. When you are frustrated with the struggle over sin, rejoice that God will one day totally defeat sin and death. When the brokenness of this world seems overwhelming, rejoice that God is overcoming this world and establishing His eternal kingdom. God has provided salvation, God is providing salvation, and God will save the elect. Rejoice in the salvation of God.

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Evangelism Ben Smith Evangelism Ben Smith

Salvation is in Jesus

In late December 2004, over a quarter of a million people went about their routine without the slightest concern that a massive destructive wave of water was moving toward them. They surely would have hastily evacuated to higher ground if they had known that a wall of water was rushing toward them that would destroy whole cities and kill all in its path. But without warning, they went about their day's activities without concern for the approaching danger.

The gospel is the good word that wicked sinners can be reconciled to God through the redemption of Jesus. God's judgment is coming. His wrath is great and terrible. Yet as an act of grace, God has commissioned the saints to be His ambassadors to proclaim to the world – salvation is in Jesus who, for our sake, God made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

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judgement Ben Smith judgement Ben Smith

Peace with God only comes through the cross of Jesus

The wrath of God is a terrible thing. It is the total separation from God. It is the unmitigated fury of God. It is the righteous punishment of God.

Everyone was born under the wrath of God. To be under the wrath of God is, by definition, not to be at peace with God. Only through the redemptive work of Jesus is God’s wrath satisfied. Either you are right with God through the saving blood of Jesus, or you are under the wrath of God because of your sin. Peace with God only comes through the cross of Jesus.

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Truth Ben Smith Truth Ben Smith

Once you have seen the light you can no longer believe a lie

Once you have seen the light of truth, you can never again believe the lie.

A few years ago, I was in my hometown visiting family. During my visit, the subject of people driving the wrong way through a well-known one-way alleyway. As we discussed this common vexation, it became apparent that there was disagreement on the correct direction for the alley. So the next day, we went to see for ourselves which way was the right way. To my great dismay, the direction I had believed was the right direction was the wrong way.

The right and wrong way had not changed. What changed was that I had come to know the truth. I could no longer arrogantly go the wrong way, confident that I was right and indignant at others going the other direction. I had seen the light and knew the truth; from that day forward, I have only driven the right way.

Jesus is the light of truth. He gives understanding to what is right and wrong, true and false, and life and death.

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Salvation, Glory of God Ben Smith Salvation, Glory of God Ben Smith

Salvation is for the glory of God

Everything is for God's glory. The last statement of Isaiah 61:3 testifies to the unifying motivation of all that God does, that is, that He may be glorified. The literal translation is "that he may display his beauty." To glorify God is to delight in and declare His ultimate and infinite goodness and beauty. Jesus came to earth to bring salvation to man for God's glory. Sinners are transformed by the saving power of the gospel for God's glory. The vengeance of God's judgment and the goodness of heaven are all for God's glory. The saints will put on the garments of praise for the eternal glory of God.

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Salvation, Grief Ben Smith Salvation, Grief Ben Smith

Trading mourning clothes for garments of praise

One of the unique items that the Queen of England always travels with is mourning clothes. Knowing that the news of a death can come at any time, she is always prepared to wear the appropriate attire. The gospel promises that one-day mourning clothes will no longer be needed. By the saving grace of Jesus, we will one day trade in our mourning clothes and put on the garments of praise.

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Jesus, Salvation, Rest Ben Smith Jesus, Salvation, Rest Ben Smith

Find rest for your soul only in Jesus

The yoke of Christ connects you to the righteousness of Jesus that lifts you up for the glory of God. The more it grows, the better it is. The more it grows, the more joy it produces. The yoke of Christ connects and makes you submissive to Jesus, who loves you, is working to provide well for you, and is preparing the glory of heaven for you.

The invitation is to exchange the yoke of sin for the yoke of Christ. One condemns and destroys the other redeems and gives life.

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Sanctification, Jesus, Salvation Ben Smith Sanctification, Jesus, Salvation Ben Smith

Jesus finishes what He starts

The work of the cross is complete and a testimony to the power of God. The work of sanctification continues in the hearts and lives of every believer. Our confidence is not in our ability or the ability of someone to help us. Our confidence is in Jesus, who completed the work of redemption on the cross and will perfectly complete the work of our faith in us.

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Sin, Forgivness Ben Smith Sin, Forgivness Ben Smith

Being guiltless of one particular sin does not excuse all the other sin in your life

It is easy to recognize and condemn the sin we see in others. But all sin demands the sacrifice of the lamb of God. All sin is just as wicked, just as shameful, and just as costly as the vilest of sinner's sin. All sin is just as shameful as the sin of those who cried "crucify Him."

To the one who rejects Jesus, the cross remains offensive and ugly. But to the one who has been made clean by the blood of Jesus – the cross is beautiful and glorious! Come to Jesus. Bow before the King of kings. Believe in faith and be saved.

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