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Gospel, Jesus Ben Smith Gospel, Jesus Ben Smith

The only thing that matters is Jesus

We live in a day of self-promotion and public relations. Branding used to be something that only large corporations were concerned with, but today, individuals seek to develop personal brands. In this world of self-promotion, many are seeking to draw attention to themselves and build their own realm of influence. Unfortunately, many in the church have also given unhelpful attention to promoting a brand for themselves, their ministries, or church that is more about promoting themselves than promoting Jesus.

Salvation does not come through effective branding or self-promotion. Salvation comes when the grace of God allows you to see Jesus as the Son of God who takes away the sin of the world. Those who have known this grace become servants of Christ, pointing others to Jesus.

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Jesus, Salvation, Rest Ben Smith Jesus, Salvation, Rest Ben Smith

Find rest for your soul only in Jesus

The yoke of Christ connects you to the righteousness of Jesus that lifts you up for the glory of God. The more it grows, the better it is. The more it grows, the more joy it produces. The yoke of Christ connects and makes you submissive to Jesus, who loves you, is working to provide well for you, and is preparing the glory of heaven for you.

The invitation is to exchange the yoke of sin for the yoke of Christ. One condemns and destroys the other redeems and gives life.

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Sanctification, Jesus, Salvation Ben Smith Sanctification, Jesus, Salvation Ben Smith

Jesus finishes what He starts

The work of the cross is complete and a testimony to the power of God. The work of sanctification continues in the hearts and lives of every believer. Our confidence is not in our ability or the ability of someone to help us. Our confidence is in Jesus, who completed the work of redemption on the cross and will perfectly complete the work of our faith in us.

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