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Truth Ben Smith Truth Ben Smith

Once you have seen the light you can no longer believe a lie

Once you have seen the light of truth, you can never again believe the lie.

A few years ago, I was in my hometown visiting family. During my visit, the subject of people driving the wrong way through a well-known one-way alleyway. As we discussed this common vexation, it became apparent that there was disagreement on the correct direction for the alley. So the next day, we went to see for ourselves which way was the right way. To my great dismay, the direction I had believed was the right direction was the wrong way.

The right and wrong way had not changed. What changed was that I had come to know the truth. I could no longer arrogantly go the wrong way, confident that I was right and indignant at others going the other direction. I had seen the light and knew the truth; from that day forward, I have only driven the right way.

Jesus is the light of truth. He gives understanding to what is right and wrong, true and false, and life and death.

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Jesus, Salvation, Rest Ben Smith Jesus, Salvation, Rest Ben Smith

Find rest for your soul only in Jesus

The yoke of Christ connects you to the righteousness of Jesus that lifts you up for the glory of God. The more it grows, the better it is. The more it grows, the more joy it produces. The yoke of Christ connects and makes you submissive to Jesus, who loves you, is working to provide well for you, and is preparing the glory of heaven for you.

The invitation is to exchange the yoke of sin for the yoke of Christ. One condemns and destroys the other redeems and gives life.

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Law, Grace, Obedience, Romans Ben Smith Law, Grace, Obedience, Romans Ben Smith

Joyful obedience is different than obligated compliance

Joyful obedience is different from obligated compliance. When you are bound to the law, you are obligated to obey its demands and suffer its judgment. When you are free in Jesus, you are free from the law, free to enjoy the righteousness of Jesus, and free to obey His commands willfully.

There are some things you have to do. Usually, these things come from the demands of the law. For example, paying your income taxes is an obligation of the law. You do not pay your income tax out of joy or desire but out of obligation. Because paying taxes is a demand of the law, you only pay what is required and nothing more.

There are some things you do out of joy. These things come from the desire of your heart. For example, spending time with your spouse, giving gifts to your children, or enjoying the company of friends are not done out of obligation but out of joyful desire. Being free from the law and bound to Jesus is not about trading one burden for another. Being free from the law and bound to Jesus is about being free from obligation and set free to enjoy a relationship that produces joyful obedience.

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Atonement, Cross Ben Smith Atonement, Cross Ben Smith

When you add to something already finished, you do not make it better - you make it worse

The work of atonement could only be accomplished by Jesus and has been accomplished by Jesus. The work is done. It is finished. You must decide to receive the gift of His atoning work by believing faith or to reject the cross. You cannot add more to what Jesus has done. You either must receive the gift or reject it.

The work of redemption is finished and offered to you today. Receive the free gift of the atonement and be saved today.

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