5 minutes or less sermon clips
Rejoicing is not dependent on emotions but on the promises of God
God is a God of truth. Do not be ruled by fickle feelings and fleeting emotions; be ruled by the eternal truth of God. Seek to understand the truth of God in all things. Seek to understand the purpose and calling of your life according to the truth of God. Seek to understand the movements of God according to the truth of God. Seek to understand the difficulties of this world according to the truth of God. Wherever there is a lack of understanding, ask God to light up your eyes with His eternal truth.
The hope of the gospel is that God has brought salvation to sinners. So when sickness comes, rejoice because God has promised salvation and glorified bodies. When you are frustrated with the struggle over sin, rejoice that God will one day totally defeat sin and death. When the brokenness of this world seems overwhelming, rejoice that God is overcoming this world and establishing His eternal kingdom. God has provided salvation, God is providing salvation, and God will save the elect. Rejoice in the salvation of God.
Remember Jesus
The battle at the Alamo and the cry “Remember the Alamo” coalesced a people for a political cause.
But Christians have a greater cry.
“Remember Jesus Christ” is not a political statement; it is not a defiant cry against a tyrant, nor a celebration of a historical event. “Remember Jesus Christ” is the heart cry of a people living in a sin-corrupted world rejoicing that Jesus has already won the victory over sin and death. “Remember Jesus Christ” is the heart cry of a people who have counted the cost and are giving everything they have to make Christ known. “Remember Jesus Christ” is the heart cry of those who may be tempted with discouragement but have placed their hope in the promises of the gospel and the faithfulness of God.
Perspective changes everything
Perspective changes everything. Perspective, vision, and site give understanding to reality. A young man discovered this truth when he awoke to find an invading army had surrounded his town. Unconcerned, his boss prayed that God would open his eyes. When the young man's eyes were opened to see what God was doing, his fear was gone because his perspective had changed.
Knowing what is to come makes the present difficulties seem light
For those in Christ, there is coming a day when death will be no more, grief will be forgotten, the names of diseases will no longer be spoken, disabilities will be unknown, wickedness will be defeated, sin will have no victory, and suffering will be no more. For those in Christ, the sufferings of this world are preparing you for an eternal weight of glory that has no comparison. Knowing what is to come makes the difficulties of the present seem light and momentary.
Are you motivated by love for Jesus or legal obligation?
What motivates you to obey Jesus? Are you motivated by love for Jesus, or are you motivated by legal obligation? The freedom from the law that salvation provides sets you free to obey out of joy and not obligation.
Salvation is for the glory of God
Everything is for God's glory. The last statement of Isaiah 61:3 testifies to the unifying motivation of all that God does, that is, that He may be glorified. The literal translation is "that he may display his beauty." To glorify God is to delight in and declare His ultimate and infinite goodness and beauty. Jesus came to earth to bring salvation to man for God's glory. Sinners are transformed by the saving power of the gospel for God's glory. The vengeance of God's judgment and the goodness of heaven are all for God's glory. The saints will put on the garments of praise for the eternal glory of God.
Trading mourning clothes for garments of praise
One of the unique items that the Queen of England always travels with is mourning clothes. Knowing that the news of a death can come at any time, she is always prepared to wear the appropriate attire. The gospel promises that one-day mourning clothes will no longer be needed. By the saving grace of Jesus, we will one day trade in our mourning clothes and put on the garments of praise.
Find rest for your soul only in Jesus
The yoke of Christ connects you to the righteousness of Jesus that lifts you up for the glory of God. The more it grows, the better it is. The more it grows, the more joy it produces. The yoke of Christ connects and makes you submissive to Jesus, who loves you, is working to provide well for you, and is preparing the glory of heaven for you.
The invitation is to exchange the yoke of sin for the yoke of Christ. One condemns and destroys the other redeems and gives life.
What if your fears come to be
A clip from the sermon The Name: God of salvation, Habakkuk 3:16-19. Click here for the full sermon.