Victory is the Lord's, Esther 7-10

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In these final chapters of the book of Esther, we see how the Lord delivered His people from the murderous threats of Haman and provided for Esther and her cousin Mordecai. We see how God historically worked through the people and events of the day to bring about His will and provide for His people. This testimony gives us reason to rejoice in the present, knowing that God is equally working in our day. Evil is still present and dangerous, yet Christians do not fear, for we know that Jesus will return to once and for all defeat evil and perfectly establish His kingdom. These four chapters are not a perfect 1 to 1 testimony to what it will be like when Jesus returns, but they do bring us great encouragement. We can rejoice in the testimony that, like how God defeated the evil Haman and gave victory to the Jews over their enemies, so will God once and for all defeat evil when Jesus returns and gives His people perfect victory.

Ben Smith

Originally from Columbus, GA, pastor Ben Smith has served churches in Texas, South Carolina, and Georgia. Ben and his wife Dana make their home in Waycross, GA, where Ben has pastored Central Baptist Church since 2012.

Pastor Ben preaches each Sunday at Central Baptist. An audio podcast of his sermons is published weekly. Pastor Ben also posts weekly to his blog, Ponderings.

The Gospel Overcomes Sin, Romans 6:23


Grace in Humility, Esther 5-6