All for the Kingdom
Sermon Podcast
Please God, Not Man, 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
Faithful gospel ministry must be God-directed, God-honoring, and God-pleasing.
In these verses, Paul reminds the Thessalonian church of the circumstances that brought him, Silas, and Timothy to them and how they conducted themselves in the community and among the church. Paul recounts these things not to brag but to testify and remind the Thessalonians that gospel ministry is not about the preacher, the church member, or the church as a whole. The gospel ministry is about God and bringing greater glory to His name. How do you ensure that the work of the church and your personal service to God is God-directed, God-honoring, and God-pleasing? This passage teaches three characteristics of a ministry that is God-directed, God-honoring, and God-pleasing.
True Treasure, Genesis 25:19-34
The testimony of scripture is not of perfect people accomplishing God's purposes. Instead, the story of scripture is of a perfect God using imperfect people to accomplish His perfect will.
The testimony of Jacob is complicated. On the one hand, Jacob's story is not easily celebrated. He is not a man of strength in character or physical ability. He is a schemer, manipulator, and liar. On the other hand, he is very significant because God demonstrates the character of His sovereign grace in choosing him over his brother. With this generation, we learn an essential truth about the promise of God. God's blessing and promise will not go to those whom man's customs, traditions, or desires dictate but to whom God so chooses.
God is Sovereign, Esther 1-2:18 (Heroes of Faith Series: The Story of Esther)
The biblical testimony of Esther is not a fairy tale. It is not a happy-ever-after story. This is a story of a subjected people being used without regard by the king according to his whims. Esther is not an autonomous actor. She is trying to survive in a hostile place. In this very broken and dark moment, we see both the ugliness of living in a broken world and the hope of God’s sovereignty to make a way for His redemptive work.