All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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Sanctification Ben Smith Sanctification Ben Smith

Learning the hard way, Genesis 29:1-30

The arrogance of youth can be destructive and costly. In Genesis 19, we have the account of Jacob learning humility, the cost of sin, and the fruit of his deceitfulness. He was learning valuable truths the hard way and experiencing the grace of God to mature him in righteousness.

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Salvation, Transformation Ben Smith Salvation, Transformation Ben Smith

Dead to sin alive in Christ, Romans 6:1-11

To be transformed is to be irrevocably changed. Once a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, it can no longer be a caterpillar again. Butterflies never return to being caterpillars, nor do those saved by the cross of Jesus go back to a life ruled by sin.

The end of Romans 5 says that where sin increases, so does grace. To the sinful mind, this sounds like an invitation to sin more to get more grace. In Romans 6, Paul responds by teaching what it means to be transformed. Yes, more sin equals more grace, but the response by one transformed by the gospel is not to desire more sin but more righteousness.

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Advent, Hope Ben Smith Advent, Hope Ben Smith

The Name: Brings Hope, Jeremiah 33:14-16

God made a promise to Abraham to bless all the families of the earth through him. God added to this promise when He promised king David (a descendant of Abraham) that his kingdom would last forever with a descendant of his on the throne. These promises, and many more, were fulfilled in Jesus, a descendant of Abraham, a member of David’s family, and the lamb of God who would take away the sin of the world.

In these three verses, there are three promises that give us hope. These were words of hope for Juda for their restoration from captivity. And looking beyond the near horizon to what is beyond these are words of hope for all the world that there is salvation in Jesus.

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Righteousness Ben Smith Righteousness Ben Smith

Parables: Good Samaritan, Luke 10:24-37

Are you justified by your own actions or are you justified by the merciful salvation of Christ? Are you concerned with how much you must do to be right or are you overwhelmed by the limitless mercy expressed through the cross of Christ?

Dear friend – all those who have known the limitless, overwhelming fountain of the mercy of God that flowed through the veins of Jesus on the cross will “love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul,and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself”

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