All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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Current series: 2 Timothy

Sanctity of Life, Abortion Ben Smith Sanctity of Life, Abortion Ben Smith

Sanctity of Life, Psalm 139:13-16

The sanctity of life for Christians is not a political issue. The sanctity of life for Christians is a convictional issue that before the Lord, every human life is made by God and holy before God.

Psalm 139 is a psalm of David and a powerful word on the omnipresence of God. Verses 13-16 come in response to David marveling that God knows everything about him. Building on this, David declares that every human life is the glorious masterpiece of God, known by God, and the intentional work of God.

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Holiness of God Ben Smith Holiness of God Ben Smith

The Lord is Holy, Psalm 11

This is a Psalm of David, but it is unknown what situation he is writing about. From the first two verses, we learn that he is being threatened by evil persons and has received the counsel to flee for safety. However, in the situation that was the occasion of this psalm, David was led by the Lord not to flee from whatever was threatening his life. He trusted his life and well-being to the provision of God. Psalm 11 is not about David’s bravery, wisdom, tenacity, or leadership. This psalm is about who God is.

The division of the psalm is in two parts. It begins with a statement and question, followed by a testimony of who God is. The first part is a declaration of faith: “In the Lord, I take my refuge (vs. 1).” The evidence of this faith is that David rejects the suggestion that he should flee like a bird. The second part is verses 4-7, which testify that God is holy, actively working, and eternally righteous.

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Kingdom of God Ben Smith Kingdom of God Ben Smith

The Lord is King Forever, Psalm 10

This world is corrupted and filled with wickedness. Psalm 10 addresses the wickedness of this world and the destruction that such evil brings, particularly to the weak and vulnerable. However, you must be careful not to assume that the wickedness exposed in Psalm 10 applies to someone else. This psalm does not confront the classical atheism of those who openly reject the existence of God but functional atheism of living as though there is no God.

The psalm calls believers not to settle for the things of this world but to long for the kingdom to come when the king who is king forever will fully reign.

And while there is an opportunity, it beckons all to bow the knee, confess Jesus as Lord, and surrender yourself to the king who is king forever.

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Bible Ben Smith Bible Ben Smith

Delight in God's Word, Psalm 119:9-16

The world is defined by theology. Whatever you hold as true defines how you see the world. Whatever you believe has the power to save has your heart's affection, and it will motivate you to fight for it passionately.

Common throughout psalm 119 is a focus on God's word. One of the basics of being a Christian is knowing and obeying the word of God. If you are a Christian, your faith began when you confessed Jesus as your Lord. If Jesus is your Lord, then you obey His commands. The commands of Jesus are known through His word, the Bible.

In this sermon, I make a case that your devotion to the word of God does not begin with determination but with devotion.

Hope in God's word. Love God's word. And be transformed by God's word.

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Trust God Ben Smith Trust God Ben Smith

In God We Trust, Psalm 115

Psalm 115 calls us to behold the glory of God and understand that all things in heaven and earth are for God’s glory. From this foundational truth flows the encouragement and response to trust the Lord alone for help and salvation and to praise the Lord.

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