All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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Podcast, Preaching Ben Smith Podcast, Preaching Ben Smith

View From the Pulpit

I am excited to announce a new podcast project titled View from the Pulpit. Each episode will feature interviews with pastors and church members exploring the role of preaching, the labor of preparing to preach, the effectiveness of how one preaches, and so much more. This podcast is about preaching, but it is not just for preachers. So whether each Sunday you are behind the pulpit or in the pew, I hope you will tune in for engaging conversations that will help you better understand why preaching is vital to the church’s health. The podcast is available in Apple Podcast, Spotify, and many other podcast apps. Subscribe today so that you will not miss an episode.

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1 Thessalonians, Salvation Ben Smith 1 Thessalonians, Salvation Ben Smith

Receive the Word of God, 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16

When sinners receive the gospel as the word of God and are saved, it is not the result of man's work or ability but a testimony to God's power and sovereignty alone. In 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16 Paul gives thanks for the Thessalonians' testimony and how it testifies to the power and sovereignty of God to save whom He wills. This passage reminds the church that salvation does not come and is not dependent on the work or ability of man but the power and sovereignty of God alone.

This passage teaches three perspectives that will keep your heart and mind focused on the power and sovereignty of God.

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2 Timothy, God's word, Preaching Ben Smith 2 Timothy, God's word, Preaching Ben Smith

Approved and Unashamed Workman, 2 Timothy 2:14-19

Competence and skill are not declared but demonstrated. The evidence of a workman’s competence and skill is proved over time when their work proves to be able to endure the test of time.

The primary task of every ministry of the gospel is to rightly and faithfully make God’s word known. There are temptations that work against this, but Paul warns Timothy not to swerve from the truth.

In this passage, the Bible gives two commands to keep you from swerving from the truth so that you might be an approved and unashamed workman. It also gives a test that testifies to the genuineness of your faith and approval before God.

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Elders Ben Smith Elders Ben Smith

Honor the Labor of Elders, 1 Timothy 5:17-25

Having instructed the church to honor, with financial support, widows who were worthy of such honor and had no other source of support, Paul now instructs the church on its proper relationship with Elders. Like with the instructions concerning widows, the church is commanded to honor elders with financial support. However, more than just instructions on elder remuneration, this text teaches the church what it should honor, its responsibility to protect its elders, and a warning to be wise in choosing future elders.

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Leadership, Overseer Ben Smith Leadership, Overseer Ben Smith

Trained for Godliness, 1 Timothy 4:6-16

The instructions of 1 Timothy 4 are addressed to Timothy and his church pastoral leadership. At first reading, it may seem that verses 6-16 relate only to overseers' leadership, preaching, and teaching ministry of the church. Though these instructions are addressed to the overseer, they relate to the whole church in understanding proper biblical training, personal holiness, and the church's public worship. These instructions to the overseer help the church understand what should be honored and celebrated in the leadership of the overseer, the importance of personal holiness, and what should be honored in their public assemblies.

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Women Ben Smith Women Ben Smith

Godly Living for Christian Woman, 1 Timothy 2:9-15

Few subjects are more fraught with difficulty than the issue this text addresses. In our cultural context, it feels awkward at best and dangerous at worst to declare what women should and should not wear, how women should fix their hair, remain quiet in church, and be submissive. The awkwardness of the cultural context does not release the church from preaching such passages and certainly not Christians from obeying what this passage teaches. To faithfully preach the Bible, a pastor must proclaim what the Bible teaches regardless of how well it is received by the culture of the day.

In the second half of 1 Timothy 2, Paul turns his attention to the proper order of the church. In this text, he addresses women's role in the church, particularly in public worship. This text addresses three areas for Christian women: how you present yourself in worship, participate in worship, and honor God's design for women.

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Preaching Ben Smith Preaching Ben Smith

The Church's Mission, 2 Timothy 4:1-5

The book of 2 Timothy was written by Paul to Timothy as a letter of instruction as to how he was to pastor and lead the church. This passage (4:1-5), is often used when giving a charge to a newly ordained pastor – and rightly so.

Yet we should not see this passage as only speaking to or applying to pastors. The books of our New Testament were mostly letters written to encourage individuals and specific churches in their living out of the gospel. Being inspired by the Holy Spirit, the church recognized that these letters were instructive for the whole church and thus passed them around to others for their edification. Thus with a passage like this one, we can appreciate how it speaks to a particular group, but we must not lose sight that all of scripture is instructive and beneficial to the whole church.

2 Timothy 4:1-5 commands us to preach the word, minister the word both for God's glory and man's blessing.

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Grace Ben Smith Grace Ben Smith

Introduction to new channel - Sermon Shorts

Sometimes all you have is a few minutes. With this in mind I am excited to announce that I am working on a new podcast channel called “Sermon Shorts”. I will be posting 5 min or less clips from recent sermons. I hope you will subscribe and listen. The channel is already available on Apple podcast and will be coming to Google podcast, and other podcast sites very soon.

The following is an example of what each sermon short will be like. It is from a sermon I preached from 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 titled “Our Identity is in Christ alone.” I hope you enjoy.

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Evangelism Ben Smith Evangelism Ben Smith

Preach Jesus, Acts 5:17-42

Nations rise and fall. Leaders and rulers rise to power, but all succumb to death and are no more. Not so with Jesus. He was crucified but rose again. Not so with those who follow Jesus. Hated and opposed by the world but empowered by the God of all creation the church stands – not in the power of men but in the power of God. The gospel witness and the faithful church is preserved in every generation and in every situation according to the will of God. Preach Jesus in season and out of season. Preach Jesus when the gospel is well received and when it sets the world in a rage.

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