All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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Current series: 2 Timothy

Advent Ben Smith Advent Ben Smith

Above Every Name: Jesus - The Hope of Salvation, Isaiah 9:7, 1 Thessalonians 5:8-11

The gospel of Matthew (2:20-23) tells us that God sent an angel to Joseph in a dream to tell him that the child that Mary was carrying was conceived by the Holy Spirit. The angel also instructed Joseph that the son Mary would bear would be named Jesus because "he will save his people from their sins." The name Jesus is a Greek transliteration of the Hebrew name Joshua, which means the Lord saves.

The New Testament celebrates the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophetic promise. One of the earliest books in the New Testament is 1 Thessalonians. In chapter 5, Paul gives instructions for how Christians are to live in the context of a wicked and broken world. Specifically, Christians are to live in a posture of expectation of the imminent return of Jesus.

The connection between Isaiah 9:7 and 1 Thessalonians 5 is one of timing and perspective. Isaiah is looking forward to the day that the Messiah will come. Paul, writing to the Thessalonians, is rejoicing that Jesus the Messiah has come and is looking forward to when he will return. Isaiah looks forward to the Messiah coming to establish his kingdom. Paul is rejoicing that the kingdom of God has come and is looking forward to the day when the fullness of it is known.

From these two passages, we are encouraged to have a perspective of hope in the promise of salvation that enables us to persevere in the present.

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Advent Ben Smith Advent Ben Smith

Above Every Name: Everlasting Father Prince of Peace, Isaiah 9:6, 1 Corinthians 15:54-57

The last two names listed in Isaiah 9:6 for the Messiah are Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace. These two names point to the eternal nature of the Messiah and the work of redemption he has accomplished.

In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul teaches that the resurrection of Jesus is fundamental to the work of redemption and celebrates the victory over sin and death that Jesus' resurrection has brought. The redemption of Jesus provides eternal salvation and eternal peace to those who believe in faith in Jesus.

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Advent Ben Smith Advent Ben Smith

Above Every Name: Wonderful Counselor Mighty God, Isaiah 9:6, John 14:6

Isaiah declares that Jesus will be called – wonderful counselor and mighty God. Wonderful counselor acknowledges that the Messiah will be one who reveals the glorious truth of God, and Mighty God declares that he is God and exercises the power of God. The Messiah will be God, revealing the truth of himself to the world.

In the New Testament, one of the clearest declarations of this comes in John chapter 14. Jesus was encouraging his disciples that he was preparing an eternal dwelling place in his Father's house for those who believe in God and in him. Thomas asked Jesus how they would know the way to his Father's house. Jesus responded that He was the way, the truth, the life, and salvation was only through him.

With this declaration, Jesus made it clear that the hope of the gospel was exclusively through and in himself.

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Advent Ben Smith Advent Ben Smith

Above Every Name: Immanuel, Isaiah 9:6, Philippians 2:5-11

Isaiah 9:6 is a familiar passage often read during Advent. This Advent season, I will be preaching each sermon from Isaiah 9:6 with attention to the names given to the Messiah.

Today, we consider the first two phrases of the passage: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given.” In these two phrases, we have a foundational truth of the hope of the gospel declaring the nature of Jesus. Jesus is both and, at the same time, all God and all man. These two natures are united in the person of Jesus. He is all God and all man.

Isaiah prophesied this glorious mystery in Isaiah 9:6 when he declared that unto us would be born a child (man) and a son would be given (God). The gospel of Matthew tells us that God sent an angel to Joseph to declare to him that the baby that Mary conceived was of the Holy Spirit and was the one for whom the prophet Isaiah foretold and would be called Immanuel (which means God with us) (Matthew 1:18-25).

The glorious hope of Christmas is that God came, in the flesh, to redeem us from our sins. The prophet Isaiah declared this future hope, and the New Testament celebrates the fulfillment of this hope. Philippians 2:5-11

teaches this fundamental truth and testifies that Jesus coming in the flesh was an act of grace, a gift of love, and there is hope in the name of Jesus.

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Salvation, Judgement Ben Smith Salvation, Judgement Ben Smith

Garments of Praise, Isaiah 61:1-3

The Gospel of Luke records in the fourth chapter that just after beginning His ministry, Jesus returned to His hometown of Nazareth. He went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, which was His custom. That day, by the sovereign providence of God, He was given the scroll of the prophet Isaiah to read to the congregation. He stood, took the scroll, unrolled it to where chapter 61 was written, and read the first verse and a portion of verse 2.

When He finished reading, He rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. But Luke tells us that every eye in the building was still fixed on Jesus. He then spoke nine words that would forever change how we understand this verse. He said, "Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing."

Isaiah 61 comes in the context of God proclaiming His righteous judgment to His rebellious people. But God's judgment is not focused on Israel's destruction but on her redemption and restoration. The prophet proclaims a hopeful word for us today as well. This is an encouraging word to help us persevere and a promise of the glory that is to come. Jesus declares that the prophet's word has been fulfilled, and this is good news that comforts us presently and gives hope for tomorrow.

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Advent, Love Ben Smith Advent, Love Ben Smith

The Name: Immanuel, Matthew 1:21-23

When the angel revealed to Joseph that Mary was pregnant with the Messiah, he was declaring that the long wait was over. The long-anticipated Messiah was coming. The Christ has arrived.

The name that the prophet Isaiah gives the messiah is Immanuel. As Matthew recounts the encounter Joseph had with the angel, he reminds us that this name means “God with us.” God stepped out of the glory of heaven to dwell among and with us.

The prophets sang, “Oh come, oh come Immanuel.” The angel declared to Joseph Immanuel had come. Through Jesus, we know the amazing love of God's presence, and sacrifice. And through the love of Jesus, we are transformed.

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Advent, Peace Ben Smith Advent, Peace Ben Smith

The Name: Prince of Peace, Isaiah 9:6-7

The desire of every generation is world peace. Since the fall of man, there have been attempts, plans, and efforts to create lasting peace. There have been historic periods where there was reduced open hostility and conflict but not since Adam and Eve walked out of the garden has there been a moment of true lasting peace. The very first sin recorded in scripture after leaving the garden is murder.

It does not matter how strong your army is, or popular your government is, or wealthy your people are there will never be peace among men this side of heaven. But the news is worse than just the continued conflict between men. The Bible declares that our sin has made us enemies of God and under His righteous wrath. Man is not at peace with God.

The prophet Isaiah spoke to a rebellious and sinful people that there was coming a day when a child would be born – a son would be given that would cause the people who walk in darkness to see a great light and the people who are under the wrath of God to know peace through the Prince of peace.

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Encouragement Ben Smith Encouragement Ben Smith

Soaring Like an Eagle, Isaiah 40:21-31

The greater context of chapter 40 is a call to behold the glory of God (vs. 9) and know (vs. 21, 28) that God stands alone in His glory and power, and in Him alone is hope. Here is the whole sermon in one sentence: If you turn your attention to God, the problems of this world become small, but if you give your attention only to the problems of this world, they will overwhelm you. Through the prophet Isaiah, God is calling His people to look and see and behold His glory.

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