All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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Current series: 2 Timothy

Atonement, Giving, Generosity Ben Smith Atonement, Giving, Generosity Ben Smith

Courageous Giving, Mark 12:38-44

In contrast to the celebrated scribes, Jesus draws his disciple's attention to the place where people brought their temple offerings. Their attention was naturally drawn to those making large gifts, but Jesus wanted them to witness something greater.

Jesus pointed to the poor widow's offering as a greater offering in the sight of God, not because of worldly value but because of the heart of worship. From the widow's offering and Jesus' teaching, we find the principles that giving is good, must be sacrificial, and is an act of worship.

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Generosity Ben Smith Generosity Ben Smith

Willing Generosity, 2 Corinthians 9:1-15

Most everyone is generous to something. The question is not whether you will be generous. The question is, what will you be generous to? Whatever has your heart will also enjoy your generosity.

2 Corinthians 9 is more than just a command to be generous. This passage also teaches practical truths about how you can be a cheerful giver and how your giving is a testimony to the grace you have received and the transformation of your heart.

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Generosity Ben Smith Generosity Ben Smith

Excel in Grace, 2 Corinthians 8:1-15

In August of 2022, I preached this passage as part of a sermon series titled “Back to Basics.” Now that we have come to this chapter again as I preach through the book of 2 Corinthians, I trust that in the providence of God, this sermon, which was first preached only nine months ago, will again be used by God to bless and edify the church.

Paul encourages the church to excel not only in the good things of faith, speech, knowledge, and earnestness but also in the act of grace. Paul wanted the church to give generously to the Christians in Jerusalem, but he also wanted the Corinthians to give in a way that honored God and testified to the gospel they had received.

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Generosity Ben Smith Generosity Ben Smith

Excel in Grace, 2 Corinthians 8:1-15

Christians are called to be generous givers. In 1 Corinthians 8, while encouraging the generosity of the saints, Paul uses the phrase "excel in this act of grace." It is good and right to excel in faith, knowledge of scripture, and spiritual maturity. But let us also excel in grace, giving abundantly and generously as the Lord provides.

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Giving Ben Smith Giving Ben Smith

Reset: Give in Faith, Leviticus 25:8-22

Sermons on giving are uncomfortable for everybody. They are uncomfortable for the hearer because our giving is such an intimate testimony of who and what has true lordship in our lives. Giving, because it is not generally public knowledge, is often the very first area in your life that becomes disobedient when you begin to turn away from the Lord.

But I want you to understand that preaching on giving is not just uncomfortable for the hearer; it is uncomfortable for the preacher as well. The fear of being labeled "money focused" or only money focused is a limiting fear for many who preach. The right desire not to be identified with the false teachers of the health-wealth-prosperity gospel movement causes many to limit how much they say about giving in faith.

Yet the command to give tithes and offerings is found throughout Scripture from the Old Testament to the New. I believe if you are to walk in faithfulness before the Lord, you must be obedient in your giving. Thus, faithful preaching and faithful pastors must preach on giving.

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