All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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Current series: 2 Timothy

Brokenness Ben Smith Brokenness Ben Smith

Precious Promises, Genesis 28:10-22

No one desires to be broken. No one wants to suffer the consequences of sin. If we had our desires, we would skip through life without consequences. However, there is grace in brokenness.

In Genesis 28:10-22, Jacob is broken. He had succeeded in his schemes against his father and brother, but he had lost everything he had hoped for. We find him not as the favored son receiving his father's wealth and blessing or becoming his family's leader but alone and destitute. He has no home. He has no family. He is uncertain about his future. And he is likely fearful that all is lost.

Is this where you are today? Are you struggling under the weight and brokenness of your sin? Have you heard of the grace of God and the promises He has made but wonder if they apply to you? Jacob's life is far from perfect. However, in this moment, he would hear from the Lord and be encouraged by the precious promises of God. You are not alone, God's provisions are sure, and God is in control.

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Advent, Joy Ben Smith Advent, Joy Ben Smith

The Name: God of Salvation, Habakkuk 3:16-19

Habakkuk knew that the judgment of God was coming. He knew there was no way to avoid it. He would likely die before God restored the people to the land. These were hard days. They were not going to get better in his lifetime. And yet Habakkuk ends this book with some of the most hopeful and joy-filled words in all of scripture.

Habakkuk had joy even in the brokenness of his present situation because he was looking toward the salvation of God that would come with the birth of Jesus.

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Evangelism, Gospel Ben Smith Evangelism, Gospel Ben Smith

The Gospel: Be Not Ashamed, Romans 1:16-17

For Christians, the most important thing about you is that you have been saved from sin by the power of God. Your salvation and your relationship with the Lord should be the first thing and the most significant thing that defines you.

There are some professing Christians who keep their faith under wraps. They recognize that it as a liability in this increasingly secularized culture. They justify it by claiming it is not polite to talk about religion or politics. Or they say they do not want to offend anyone.

This passage is in direct contrast to a private, personal, secret faith. Paul declares that he is not ashamed of the gospel, and neither should we be ashamed of the gospel.

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Hell Ben Smith Hell Ben Smith

The Gospel: No Fear in Death, Luke 12:1-7

If you fear the wrong thing, you will pursue the wrong thing. If you fear the right thing, you will pursue the right thing. In Luke 12:1-7, Jesus warns His disciples against fearing man and that they should fear the judgment of God.

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