All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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Current series: 2 Timothy

Women, Widows Ben Smith Women, Widows Ben Smith

Testimony of Honor and Service, 1 Timothy 5:3-16

The reality of living in a sin-filled fallen world is that you often treasure what is not worthy of honor while neglecting to honor what is a true treasure.

1 Timothy 5:3-16 commands the church to honor widows in the church who are without any means of support and who have lived a testimony of faithful devotion to the Lord and the church's work. As Paul gives instructions for this support, we learn the responsibility of the household of God to honor members in need, the reason for this honor, and some practical truths about family, devotion to the church, and the God-honoring labor of raising children.

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Overseer, Church Discipline Ben Smith Overseer, Church Discipline Ben Smith

Family of Faith, 1 Timothy 5:1-2

In recent years, there has been a noticeable growth in the use of the word "family" in reference to co-workers, teammates, professional associations, and hobby groups. The rise of applying the concept of family to corporate culture has grown so common that there is now a growing awareness of the problems this creates and significant pushback.

In the context of the overuse of "family" applied to none-family connections and the corrective pushback, we come to 1 Timothy 5, where Paul, writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, instructs Timothy to labor as an overseer among the church not as a dictator, ruler, or boss but as a son and brother. While applying the family relationship to your school, work, or hobby connections may be unwise, the Bible commands that Christians should apply it to fellow church members.

Recognizing the members of the church as family testifies that the church is more than a disconnected group with no responsibilities to one another but that through saving faith and mutual submission to Christ and one another, the members of the church are related and connected to one another.

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Family, Ministry, Marriage Ben Smith Family, Ministry, Marriage Ben Smith

A conversation with Dana Smith about being a pastor's wife

Being a pastor’s wife comes with some unique challenges. This week’s episode is a conversation with my wife, Dana Smith. Dana shares from her perspective the joys and struggles of being a pastor’s wife. With honesty about the struggles and wisdom for others, she talks candidly about her own life in the ministry married to a pastor. If you are a pastor’s wife, a pastor, or someone who cares deeply about the health and well-being of your pastor’s family, this episode is a must-listen.

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Family, Sin, Traps Ben Smith Family, Sin, Traps Ben Smith

Bonus Episode: Avoid The Traps

There are two basic principles to any trap or snare - appear safe and inviting then once the prey is totally committed the trap springs

When a trap is deployed anything that might make it seem dangerous and threatening is hidden or covered. With animal traps, the mechanism of the trap might be covered with leaves or straw.

The most important part of making the trap inviting is putting out bait that will be hard to resist. A good trapper knows what best attracts the animals he desires to ensnare. The bait is positioned so as to be seen or smelled and appears free for the taking but the only way for the animal to get to the bait is to enter the trap. The bait is presented as though it is free. It looks as though it is left unattended. The allusion is that the bait, that is so desired, can be had without any cost or consequence.

Once the prey is totally committed the trap springs. This is where the second principle of any trap comes into play. An effective trap only springs once the animal is completely committed. The bait is placed deep in the trap so once the trap springs there is no opportunity for the animal to escape. With any trap – when the danger has been recognized the opportunity for escape is no more.

There is one more principle about traps that is important to understand. An animal may willingly enter a trap in hopes to consume the bait but once trapped it loses any autonomy and is at the mercy of the trapper. All traps lead to the loss of freedom and most traps lead to the loss of life.

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