All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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Current series: 2 Timothy

2 Timothy, Gospel, Encouragement Ben Smith 2 Timothy, Gospel, Encouragement Ben Smith

Ministry of Faithfulness, 2 Timothy 1:15-18

When hard times come, many who once professed the gospel will fall away. In 2 Timothy 1:15-18, Paul speaks frankly with Timothy, not to be surprised when some fall away but to receive the good blessing of the ministry of those who are faithful.

Like Timothy, you may be discouraged today as you observe many people falling away from the faith. How can you guard your heart against discouragement when it seems many are falling away from the gospel? This passage teaches three truths that encourage the church in days of great unfaithfulness.

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Holiness Ben Smith Holiness Ben Smith

Clean and Unclean, 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1

All relationships require some level of separation. Marriage requires "forsaking all others," citizenship requires "renouncing all other allegiances, and to be a child of God requires forsaking all other masters. Romans 10:9 declares that salvation comes from believing God raised Jesus from the dead and confessing Jesus as Lord. If Jesus is Lord of your life, you have forsaken all other lords and renounced all allegiance and fidelity to any other lord.

2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1 is not a passage that is hard to understand, but it is one that offends the one who seeks to be friends with Christ and the world. It has two commands. One is a prohibition, and the other is a response to the transformation of the gospel. Both commands call the saints of God to live according to the righteousness of God and put away all defilements of the world.

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Church Ben Smith Church Ben Smith

Parables: Faithful Stewardship, Luke 19:11-27

This is not the same parable as the parable of talents. Here Jesus is distinguishing between three types of people. The ten servants represent those who profess to serve Christ, but all who profess are true. So the three types of people represented in this parable are:

  1. Faithful followers – these are represented by the servants who invest and earn a return with the nobleman’s money

  2. False followers – these are represented by the servant that does nothing with the nobleman’s money

  3. Enemies of Christ (unbelievers) – these are represented by those who oppose the nobleman’s rule

I am going to give the majority of my attention to the first two groups.

  1. Be about the Father’s will

  2. Faithfulness pleases God

  3. Disobedience reveals falsehood

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