5 minutes or less sermon clips

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Church Ben Smith Church Ben Smith

The church gathers to encourage one another

From the sermon Gather Together, Hebrews 10:24:25.

Have you ever noticed that when you have unconfessed sin that you also have a greater temptation to skip church? When you gather with other believers, God uses the experience to draw you to faithfulness and expose anything that is keeping you from faithfulness.

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Church Ben Smith Church Ben Smith

There is no substitute for the church gathering together

From the sermon Gather Together, Hebrews 10:24:25.

For all the advantages and conveniences of technology, some things cannot be done virtually. Sermons can be heard through many technological avenues, but the church can only be who we have been called to be when we gather together.

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Christmas, Advent Ben Smith Christmas, Advent Ben Smith

Lord Jesus

Jesus came as a baby, but this is only the beginning of the story. Do not let this humble beginning fool you. He was King of kings and Lord of lords an eternity before his birth. And He is forever King of kings and Lord of lords. Do not stop at the manger but go to the cross. Do not stop at the cross but go to the empty tomb. Do not stop at the empty tomb but go to the ascension. And do not stop at the ascension but wait expectantly for His second coming. Jesus is King. Jesus is Lord. Confess Him as Lord today and be saved.

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Grace Ben Smith Grace Ben Smith

Introduction to Sermon Shorts

Sometimes all you have is a few minutes. With this in mind I am excited to announce a new podcast channel called “Sermon Shorts”. I will be posting 5 min or less clips from recent sermons. I hope you will subscribe and listen. The channel is already available on Apple podcast and will be coming to Google podcast, and other podcast sites very soon.

The following is an example of what each sermon short will be like. It is from a sermon I preached from 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 titled “Our Identity is in Christ alone.” Get more information at www.BenSmithsr.org

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