5 minutes or less sermon clips
Joyful obedience is different than obligated compliance
Joyful obedience is different from obligated compliance. When you are bound to the law, you are obligated to obey its demands and suffer its judgment. When you are free in Jesus, you are free from the law, free to enjoy the righteousness of Jesus, and free to obey His commands willfully.
There are some things you have to do. Usually, these things come from the demands of the law. For example, paying your income taxes is an obligation of the law. You do not pay your income tax out of joy or desire but out of obligation. Because paying taxes is a demand of the law, you only pay what is required and nothing more.
There are some things you do out of joy. These things come from the desire of your heart. For example, spending time with your spouse, giving gifts to your children, or enjoying the company of friends are not done out of obligation but out of joyful desire. Being free from the law and bound to Jesus is not about trading one burden for another. Being free from the law and bound to Jesus is about being free from obligation and set free to enjoy a relationship that produces joyful obedience.
Experiencing the power of God comes from obeying the commands of God
Before you can be obedient to the commands of Jesus, you must have faith that Jesus can accomplish His purpose and His will. When Christians have faith, they obey. Experiencing the power of God comes in the context of obeying God.
What does it mean to delight in the Lord?
What does it mean to delight in the Lord?
Psalm 1 teaches that the righteous take pleasure in the law of God. This is the truth that gives understanding to the second part of verse 2; "but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night." (Psalm 1:2 ESV)
What we find pleasure in attracts our attention. Whatever has our attention, we will seek out. The one who delights in the law of God does not approach the law of God with dread but with joy. This pleasure is better than the world's pleasures because it satisfies, fulfills, and is never-ending.
Where the hopes and desires of the wicked are lost to the wind, the delight of the righteous is satisfied and fulfilled in the Lord. The way of sinners leads to rejecting God and scoffing. The way of righteousness leads to delighting in the Lord and meditating day and night on His word.