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Abortion, Sanctity of Life Ben Smith Abortion, Sanctity of Life Ben Smith

Sin is a false promise of freedom

Anything that denies the sanctity of life is motivated by a desire to elevate personal freedom over God's authority. Abortion promises sexual freedom, economic freedom, and freedom to attain gender equality. However, these false freedoms do not deliver what they promise. The fruit of sin is enslavement to more sin, shame and guilt before God, and death. Dear friends, there is no true freedom in rebellion against God. Freedom is only found in righteousness before God.

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Evangelism Ben Smith Evangelism Ben Smith

Salvation is in Jesus

In late December 2004, over a quarter of a million people went about their routine without the slightest concern that a massive destructive wave of water was moving toward them. They surely would have hastily evacuated to higher ground if they had known that a wall of water was rushing toward them that would destroy whole cities and kill all in its path. But without warning, they went about their day's activities without concern for the approaching danger.

The gospel is the good word that wicked sinners can be reconciled to God through the redemption of Jesus. God's judgment is coming. His wrath is great and terrible. Yet as an act of grace, God has commissioned the saints to be His ambassadors to proclaim to the world – salvation is in Jesus who, for our sake, God made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

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