5 minutes or less sermon clips

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Abortion, Sanctity of Life Ben Smith Abortion, Sanctity of Life Ben Smith

Recognize the shame of sin and plead for the grace of God

Abortion is a shameful thing, but God’s grace is greater. Some of you have actively participated in the shamefulness of abortion. You have had abortions. You have encouraged someone to have an abortion. You have supported the legalization of abortion. Some of you have passively participated in the shamefulness of abortion. You have been unconcerned with abortion because it has not directly affected you or your family. You have turned a deft ear to the pleas of those contending for life. You have believed the lies of politicians and activists who advocated for abortion.

Dear Christian, you should recognize the shame of sin and plead for the grace of God.

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Abortion, Sanctity of Life Ben Smith Abortion, Sanctity of Life Ben Smith

Sin is a false promise of freedom

Anything that denies the sanctity of life is motivated by a desire to elevate personal freedom over God's authority. Abortion promises sexual freedom, economic freedom, and freedom to attain gender equality. However, these false freedoms do not deliver what they promise. The fruit of sin is enslavement to more sin, shame and guilt before God, and death. Dear friends, there is no true freedom in rebellion against God. Freedom is only found in righteousness before God.

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Truth Ben Smith Truth Ben Smith

Once you have seen the light you can no longer believe a lie

Once you have seen the light of truth, you can never again believe the lie.

A few years ago, I was in my hometown visiting family. During my visit, the subject of people driving the wrong way through a well-known one-way alleyway. As we discussed this common vexation, it became apparent that there was disagreement on the correct direction for the alley. So the next day, we went to see for ourselves which way was the right way. To my great dismay, the direction I had believed was the right direction was the wrong way.

The right and wrong way had not changed. What changed was that I had come to know the truth. I could no longer arrogantly go the wrong way, confident that I was right and indignant at others going the other direction. I had seen the light and knew the truth; from that day forward, I have only driven the right way.

Jesus is the light of truth. He gives understanding to what is right and wrong, true and false, and life and death.

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Grace Ben Smith Grace Ben Smith

Introduction to Sermon Shorts

Sometimes all you have is a few minutes. With this in mind I am excited to announce a new podcast channel called “Sermon Shorts”. I will be posting 5 min or less clips from recent sermons. I hope you will subscribe and listen. The channel is already available on Apple podcast and will be coming to Google podcast, and other podcast sites very soon.

The following is an example of what each sermon short will be like. It is from a sermon I preached from 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 titled “Our Identity is in Christ alone.” Get more information at www.BenSmithsr.org

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