
thinking out loud about faith, culture, and life

Hell Ben Smith Hell Ben Smith

Why I Think Fear is Both Wise and Good

If you know me well, then you know that I have a great fear of snakes. Hatred may be the more correct word, but certainly, the presence of a snake produces in me an undeniable feeling of fear. Once, many years ago, as I was opening the door to our home, a snake emerged from behind a chest freezer that was sitting beside the door. It so startled me that I jumped back and left my keys in the door. I called a friend who lived and worked nearby and who I knew was not afraid of snakes. He was gracious enough to immediately come over and remove the snake. While he single-handily moved the heavy chest freezer and caught the snake I stood at a safe distance in the yard. There was a part of me that felt ashamed that I was not helping my friend or willing to confront the snake alone, but my fear outweighed my shame causing me to remain in the yard while my friend worked alone.

What are you afraid of? Some may say pridefully but with confidence that they are afraid of nothing. Others may have a long list of things that cause them to fear. I believe that in some part, fear drives everyone. You might think this is an overly broad or overly pessimistic declaration, but I do not think so. Once you look for it and recognize it, you will find the influence of fear almost everywhere.

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