All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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2 Timothy, God's word, Preaching Ben Smith 2 Timothy, God's word, Preaching Ben Smith

Approved and Unashamed Workman, 2 Timothy 2:14-19

Competence and skill are not declared but demonstrated. The evidence of a workman’s competence and skill is proved over time when their work proves to be able to endure the test of time.

The primary task of every ministry of the gospel is to rightly and faithfully make God’s word known. There are temptations that work against this, but Paul warns Timothy not to swerve from the truth.

In this passage, the Bible gives two commands to keep you from swerving from the truth so that you might be an approved and unashamed workman. It also gives a test that testifies to the genuineness of your faith and approval before God.

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