All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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Current series: 2 Timothy

Leadership, God's word Ben Smith Leadership, God's word Ben Smith

Fix Your Hope on the Living God, 1 Timothy 4:6-16

Exercise has some benefits for the body, but it is temporary. However, when we develop lives of godliness through being nourished by the word and disciplining ourselves for God – these benefits are known for eternity.

Give your minds to the word of God. Feed on it. Consume it. Let it penetrate and saturate every part of your mind and heart. Add to this a life of discipline. Be disciplined for godliness – rejecting what does not honor God and pursuing what the Lord loves. And never lose sight of the goal. Do not live for today alone. Live for eternity. That you may attaint the hope of salvation and that you might be a witness to many more for their salvation.

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Mind, Thoughts Ben Smith Mind, Thoughts Ben Smith

Think on these things, Philippians 4:8-9

With this sermon, I begin a series titled "Back to Basics." I start with a sermon on what we give our minds to. What do you think about? What consumes your mind's attention? You may think these are not important questions, but I think they are. I believe this is the battleground where the war for your very heart and soul is fought.

The first battle line is the battle over your mind. From Philippians 4:8-9, I hope to encourage you to guard what has your attention, curate what has your attention, and recognize that actions follow attention.

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Spiritual Maturity Ben Smith Spiritual Maturity Ben Smith

Reset: Grow in Spiritual Maturity, 1 Corinthians 6:12

The question of “lawfulness” is not the only question faithful Christians must ask. Certainly, this is important – and if something is unlawful then no Christian should even consider it. But lawfulness is only the basic question – for one to grow in spiritual maturity and faithfulness you must ask is it helpful and dose it distract from faithful obedience.

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Grace Ben Smith Grace Ben Smith

Reset: Grace New Every Morning, Lamentations 3:22-23

Today I begin a sermon series on resetting. From time to time it is good to take an assessment of your life and reset things that are not as they should be. In the weeks to come I will be preaching on prayer, Bible study, worship, and other spiritual disciplines. But before we begin with the specific areas where we need to reset, I want to start with an introductory word on grace.

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