All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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Current series: 2 Timothy

Kingdom of God Ben Smith Kingdom of God Ben Smith

The Lord is King Forever, Psalm 10

This world is corrupted and filled with wickedness. Psalm 10 addresses the wickedness of this world and the destruction that such evil brings, particularly to the weak and vulnerable. However, you must be careful not to assume that the wickedness exposed in Psalm 10 applies to someone else. This psalm does not confront the classical atheism of those who openly reject the existence of God but functional atheism of living as though there is no God.

The psalm calls believers not to settle for the things of this world but to long for the kingdom to come when the king who is king forever will fully reign.

And while there is an opportunity, it beckons all to bow the knee, confess Jesus as Lord, and surrender yourself to the king who is king forever.

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Endurance, Faith Ben Smith Endurance, Faith Ben Smith

Bonus Episode: Keep the Faith, 2 Timothy 4:3-5

This past Sunday, my friend Freddie Smith preached for me thus there is not a new sermon for the podcast this week. So I am posting a sermon I preached in 2017 on the occasion of the recognition Sunday for our high school graduates. The sermon is from 2 Timothy 4 on the spiritual dangers we face today.

Of course, these concerns are not unique to our day. The spiritual dangers we face are not new to the modern area. These concerns are what prompted Paul to warn Timothy in this passage. In this sermon, I share two warnings and then encourage you to stand firm and keep the faith.

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