All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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Advent Ben Smith Advent Ben Smith

The Light of Men, John 1:4-9

One of the marvels of modernity is the ability to push back the darkness. No longer are the schedules of our lives dictated by the sun's rising and setting. However, even with this transformational invention, man remains dependent on the presence of light. Light reveals what is. Light exposes the truth and deposes lies.

One of the most basic things we rely on light for is the ability to move around and find our way. Without light, we are lost. Not confused, not turned around but hopelessly lost. Without light, direction has no meaning. And yet even the faintest light can mean the difference between life and death.

John begins his gospel account with this most powerful introductory word: "In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

Jesus is the genuine light of God that dispels the darkness of this world and has overcome the curse of sin.

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Evangelism Ben Smith Evangelism Ben Smith

Shine, Mark 4:21-23

Using the example of the lamp I want you to see to fundamental truths about following Christ. When you believe in faith on Jesus for salvation you are forever changed – you are irreversibly transformed. The humble oil lamp demonstrates two ways this transformation changes you - transformed nature and transformed obligation.

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