All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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Sovereign grace, Treasure Ben Smith Sovereign grace, Treasure Ben Smith

True Treasure, Genesis 25:19-34

The testimony of scripture is not of perfect people accomplishing God's purposes. Instead, the story of scripture is of a perfect God using imperfect people to accomplish His perfect will.

The testimony of Jacob is complicated. On the one hand, Jacob's story is not easily celebrated. He is not a man of strength in character or physical ability. He is a schemer, manipulator, and liar. On the other hand, he is very significant because God demonstrates the character of His sovereign grace in choosing him over his brother. With this generation, we learn an essential truth about the promise of God. God's blessing and promise will not go to those whom man's customs, traditions, or desires dictate but to whom God so chooses.

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Advent, Hope Ben Smith Advent, Hope Ben Smith

The Name: Brings Hope, Jeremiah 33:14-16

God made a promise to Abraham to bless all the families of the earth through him. God added to this promise when He promised king David (a descendant of Abraham) that his kingdom would last forever with a descendant of his on the throne. These promises, and many more, were fulfilled in Jesus, a descendant of Abraham, a member of David’s family, and the lamb of God who would take away the sin of the world.

In these three verses, there are three promises that give us hope. These were words of hope for Juda for their restoration from captivity. And looking beyond the near horizon to what is beyond these are words of hope for all the world that there is salvation in Jesus.

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