All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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James, Humility Ben Smith James, Humility Ben Smith

As the Lord Wills James 4:11-17

From the archives. Originally preached in September 2020.

This passage comes in the greater context of understanding who God is, who you are, and what your attitude toward the Lord should be. James teaches that one with a true and living faith will have two defining attitudes toward the Lord. First, they will be humble before the Lord. And secondly, they will recognize their frailty and the power of God. These attitudes of the heart will produce the action of acknowledging God in all your ways.

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Humility Ben Smith Humility Ben Smith

Wrestling with God, Genesis 32:22-32

As Jacob faces his fear of his brother Esau and desperately attempts to appease him, he is doing all that he can to save himself. However, in Genesis 32:22-32, Jacob has an experience that will change his name and the rest of his life.

He sends his wives, children, and all he possesses over the stream Jabbok while he stays back to be alone. He thought that he would spend the night alone, but he would spend the night wrestling with God. At the end of the long night of struggle, Jacob would come to know two fundamental truths; he is weak, but God is strong.

But before God prospered Jacob's children to become patriarchs of great tribes or grew these tribes into a great nation, He first humbled a schemer and cheater named Jacob. He humbled Jacob so that he would know that he was weak, but God is strong. There is great grace when God wrestles with us that we, too, come to know that we are weak, but He is strong.

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