Ben Smith

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True Treasure, Genesis 25:19-34

The Story of Jacob

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True Treasure, Genesis 25:19-34 Ben Smith

The testimony of scripture is not of perfect people accomplishing God's purposes. Instead, the story of scripture is of a perfect God using imperfect people to accomplish His perfect will.

The testimony of Jacob is complicated. On the one hand, Jacob's story is not easily celebrated. He is not a man of strength in character or physical ability. He is a schemer, manipulator, and liar. On the other hand, he is very significant because God demonstrates the character of His sovereign grace in choosing him over his brother. Those who enjoy God's grace do so not out of merit, right, or worth but only by the gracious choosing of God.

The beauty of scripture is that it does not ignore the brokenness of human sin. Scripture does not "sanitize" the testimony of those whom God uses to make them appear better than they are. No, scripture acknowledges all the ugliness and brokenness of humanity. God demonstrates His power and amazing grace with people like Jacob, you, and me.

In Genesis 25, scripture introduces us to the sons of Isaac – Esau, and Jacob. God had made a covenant with Isaac's father, Abraham. Part of this covenant was to bless all the families of the earth through his descendants. This promise would be fulfilled by Jesus, the Messiah, who would bring salvation from sin. From Abraham through Jesus, the Bible follows the fulfillment of the promise through each successive generation. From Abraham to his son Isaac.From Isaac to his son Jacob.

But it is with this generation that we learn an essential truth about the promise of God. God's blessing and promise will not go to those whom man's customs, traditions, or desires dictate but to whom God so chooses. With this passage, we will consider Jacob and his brother Esau (and their mom and dad) and what they treasure in their hearts.